So I only work two days a week and then I have a 5 day weekend :) BUT I cannot wait for the real weekends because I love just hanging out with my husband and little girl! And this time of year we just hang outside all day and play! And then eat something good for dinner and go to bed and wake up and do it all over again:) I love my life! Heath worked out in the yard all day Saturday so me and Allie Kate played outside in the backyard all day and occasionally she would go over and "love" her daddy and papa and just lay her head on them...I pushed /pulled her and two kids down the street in her little wagon for 2 hours! I am not exaggerating 2 hrs!!! I really do think it is the longest my child has ever sat still...she just loves other kids!
I can't wait to get Allie Kate's little pool out from last year and watch her go crazy in it!! This was last year out in our driveway while daddy cut grass...she was not nearly as mobile in this picture as she is now so she couldn't really run away :) I just know she is going to LOVE the water!
I also can't wait for all the pretty flowers to bloom and hear my little doll go crazy (I know she will because she already does:) over the "wawas"! I know it won't be for a little while but the weather is feeling like May! This pic is of her last year and I am hoping to get one of her this year with the same flowers because they turned out so sweet! We went to a birthday party today for a friends little boy's (colin) 1st birthday! It was so cute she did a milk and cookies theme and it was perfect! I would love to put some pictures on here from the party HOWEVER my crappy camera was taking the blurriest pictures and then it went dead! So now Heath knows what to get me for mothers day :) Anyways Allie kate had a great time and ate way too many sweets and chocolate :) Heath about had a nervous breakdown when she was eating a cookie and got mad and crumbled it to smitherines on the nice couch she was on...isn't it so much more embarrassing when it is your kid? ha! I see babies do stuff like that all the time and don't think a thing about it but it is different when it is your child smearing chocolate onto someones couch! Yikes :) A really sweet girl took a lot of cute pictures of Allie Kate and is going to get them to me so maybe I can put some on here soon! Great to work tomorrow :(
The adventures of a stay at home mom of two sweet's not always pretty, but I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
So today Allie Kate decided that sleep was no longer on her list of priorities! Which also means that I did not get a shower until 2pm ha! Today was not an exciting day...same old same old routine (well minus the naps). My sweet child makes everyday special to me though! Allie Kate has probably only given me a kiss 3 or 4 times and it is always on her terms and when I least expect it! BUT today I finally figured out how to get the sweet slobery kisses I have been wanting so badly...I simply say "Don't you dare give mommy a kissy" and she makes a bee-line towards me with her mouth wide open smiling and laughing! I mean reverse psychology on a one year old sounds kinda crazy right? I'll take what I can get :) This is Allie Kate in the bath tub today...
She normally gets two a day, one after lunch and the other before bedtime. She LOVES LOVES LOVES the bath tub! I bathed her in a little bath tub that fit on the sink (yes, the kind for new borns ha!) until she was around one and then I moved her to the big girl tub. At first she was afraid of the big girl tub so I had to get in there with her every time I bathed her, and sometimes I still do just because I love baths and I love my sweet girl! What mom doesn't? I do however wear a tank top and panties when I get in the tub with her.
She loves to talk to the baby in the silver "thing" on the bath tub...I don't know what it is for or what it is called ha! Maybe the people who make tubs just put it there so sweet little babies can look at themselves! Well today she decided that she was going to kiss the "baby".
Well that didn't work out very well, she bumped her lip and yelled "no!no!" at the "baby" in the mirror. But she was back to her happy self in no time!
Bath time is a fun time in my little family! I love giving Allie Kate baths and watch her play and have fun. I got her to lean back on my hands and float today and she LOVED it...she laughed the whole time :) That is what I live for...seeing that sweet little smile and little dimple in her cheek and hear that sweet laugh!
I remember Allie Kates 1st bath at home. My mom came and bathed her because I didn't have the slightest clue what to do. She cried of course and I did mom just laughed at me!
Allie Kate finally went down for her nap at around 2pm (she usually takes her 1st nap around 10am).
I had to sneak a pic in she looked so sweet laying there :)
She only slept an hour and a half! And that got me to thinking about her little life and how her sleep patterns have been...she used to sleep ALL THE TIME!!! I remember trying to wake her up and she would just lay there!
Heath got off work a little early today and once Allie Kate woke up from her mini-nap we went to wal mart.
So I have to resort to holding some random item above the camera-which makes her pretty mad if it is something she wants!
Of course when we got home from wal-mart we played around outside...we were grilling anyways.
She thinks she something sitting in the big girl chair :)
I had to take a picture because I rarely cook! I don't know why...I'm a good cook! We had mac and cheese, grilled chicken wrappen in bacon (me and heath came to the conclusion that it was the best that we have ever made), green bean casserole and crescent rolls (my fav). It was good! Than me and Allie kate got in the tub and next is bedtime!!!!
Maybe Allie Kate will sleep tonight as hard as she was in this picture!! But I won't get my hopes up we are supposed to have bad weather!
She normally gets two a day, one after lunch and the other before bedtime. She LOVES LOVES LOVES the bath tub! I bathed her in a little bath tub that fit on the sink (yes, the kind for new borns ha!) until she was around one and then I moved her to the big girl tub. At first she was afraid of the big girl tub so I had to get in there with her every time I bathed her, and sometimes I still do just because I love baths and I love my sweet girl! What mom doesn't? I do however wear a tank top and panties when I get in the tub with her.
She loves to talk to the baby in the silver "thing" on the bath tub...I don't know what it is for or what it is called ha! Maybe the people who make tubs just put it there so sweet little babies can look at themselves! Well today she decided that she was going to kiss the "baby".
Well that didn't work out very well, she bumped her lip and yelled "no!no!" at the "baby" in the mirror. But she was back to her happy self in no time!
Bath time is a fun time in my little family! I love giving Allie Kate baths and watch her play and have fun. I got her to lean back on my hands and float today and she LOVED it...she laughed the whole time :) That is what I live for...seeing that sweet little smile and little dimple in her cheek and hear that sweet laugh!
I remember Allie Kates 1st bath at home. My mom came and bathed her because I didn't have the slightest clue what to do. She cried of course and I did mom just laughed at me!
Allie Kate finally went down for her nap at around 2pm (she usually takes her 1st nap around 10am).
I had to sneak a pic in she looked so sweet laying there :)
She only slept an hour and a half! And that got me to thinking about her little life and how her sleep patterns have been...she used to sleep ALL THE TIME!!! I remember trying to wake her up and she would just lay there!
In the hospital only 1 day old
When we got to take our sweet angel home!
A few days old
She even slept through her first Alabama game (about a week old) Bama vs. LSU
Look at those little cheeks:) Or should I say big cheeks :)
She even slept when she met santa for the first time!
This was new yrs eve and I could not get her to sleep any other way :)
She is so much fun right now but I do miss her being this little
I miss these sweet times!
Perfect little face
Heath got off work a little early today and once Allie Kate woke up from her mini-nap we went to wal mart.
I forgot my seat cover today and felt like the worst mom ever :( But I wiped down the buggy with those sani wipes they have :)
I don't know about other 1yr olds but mine sure does not care that I need her to smile for a picture ha! She will hardly even look at me long enough for me to snap the picture! She's just too busy for all that!
So I have to resort to holding some random item above the camera-which makes her pretty mad if it is something she wants!
This is a sweet sweet girl right here!
Of course when we got home from wal-mart we played around outside...we were grilling anyways.
She thinks she something sitting in the big girl chair :)
Maybe Allie Kate will sleep tonight as hard as she was in this picture!! But I won't get my hopes up we are supposed to have bad weather!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Peep eye!
Allie Kate loves playing peep eye right now! And I must admit I love hearing her say it too :) I work on Mondays and Tuesdays so I'm not going to blog on those days because I work until around 5pm and then I want to spend all the time I can with my little family! Allie Kate spends Mondays with her Gran (my mother in law) and Tuesdays with Nana (my mom). I am so blessed that I don't have to send her to day care and can depend on my mother in law and mother to take care of my sweet girl. Today Allie slept until 8:30! That is a HUGE deal :) Of course we went outside today...she wouldn't have it any other way. Every morning when I feed her breakfast in her high chair she points at the door and yells "outside" or "bella" at the top of her lungs!

Sometimes I look at her and wish I could see the world through her little eyes! Everything is just so magical and new! I love watching her explore and see new things...I mean she gets so excited about a bird flying by or a squirrell in the tree! I cannot describe the love I have for this little girl...only God can create that type of love...isn't it crazy how you love your child no matter what...nothing can change that! I am so blessed to have her and I think sometimes that God blessed me with her to show me how he loves me! Some of my favorite times with allie kate are when I am rocking her before I put her to bed. I don't normally rock her to sleep, I just rock her and sing to her to get her calmed down and ready for bed or a nap. I will put my face on the top of her little head and just smell her hair and try to memorize that smell and soak in the moment with her because I know it won't last forever! I literally have thought I hope heaven smells like is the best smell in the world to me :) Tonight was one of those nights where I just didn't want to put her down...but I had to :) Today was a good day and I am so thankful for all my time with her!
This is her with her new rake like daddy's :)
This is her new favorite activity! And it makes me a nervous reck..we don't have stairs in the house for her to go up (well except for the basement) so I am just not used to her going up and down 1,000 times :) Today was the first day that she actually went up the stairs by herself...yay Allie!!
We weren't outside long when she started missing her routine cookies in her hands and started beating on the back door letting me know it was time for me to go get her cookies :)
We were out of the girl scout cookies she usually eats so we had to settle for fudge stripes...
Yummmmm! Mommy likes these a lot too!
Allie is still taking two naps a day most days (when I can wrestle her down for the 2nd one ha!), but today I thought I would try the one long nap...well that turned into one hour and a half nap. And as soon as she woke up she saw some birds outside and HAD to go out...and I'm not gonna lie I love going out too. I think she is going to want to live outside the older she gets!
This is her with "bewa" the moment she gets outside she throws her hands up in the air and yells "BEWA" (Bella is the dogs name). Then she runs over to the fence and sticks her hand almost to where Bella can touch her and then runs and shakes her head saying "No,No." I don't know why :)
Today while she was climbing up the stairs she stopped and was hunched over so I couldn't see what she was doing (I stay behind her so she won't fall) and I got to where I could see and she had her little pointer finger scratching at dried bird poop! Immediatley I yelled "Ewww, that's poop" and she thought it was so funny she kept saying "poop,poop" :) Fun times!
This is her running to see Bella :) Sweet little baby doll!
Earlier in the day, when it was really sunny and I was trying to get her to wear her glasses...needless to say this is right before she ripped them off her head ha :) But she did carry them everywhere with her (that helped a lot).
Allie Kate spilled my sweet tea on our back deck and then of course had to play in it...bless her heart she kept picking the ice cubes up in her hands and squeezing them and making an awful face she would say "hot,hot" and I tried to help her understand it is cold and not hot but she just wasn't getting it!
This is the back of her hair and many people have been trying to get me to cut her sweet hair, and to them I say....NO WAY!! She is only 15 months old! No hair cuts :) Not yet anyways, I am not near emotionally ready for that!Sometimes I look at her and wish I could see the world through her little eyes! Everything is just so magical and new! I love watching her explore and see new things...I mean she gets so excited about a bird flying by or a squirrell in the tree! I cannot describe the love I have for this little girl...only God can create that type of love...isn't it crazy how you love your child no matter what...nothing can change that! I am so blessed to have her and I think sometimes that God blessed me with her to show me how he loves me! Some of my favorite times with allie kate are when I am rocking her before I put her to bed. I don't normally rock her to sleep, I just rock her and sing to her to get her calmed down and ready for bed or a nap. I will put my face on the top of her little head and just smell her hair and try to memorize that smell and soak in the moment with her because I know it won't last forever! I literally have thought I hope heaven smells like is the best smell in the world to me :) Tonight was one of those nights where I just didn't want to put her down...but I had to :) Today was a good day and I am so thankful for all my time with her!
Off to eat a popsicle and hang out with my husband :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Our weekend :)
Another BEAUTIFUL day! We are all enjoying this weather and taking full advantage of the warm sunshine! We were outside a lot in our backyard again...sounds boring but with a 15 month old nothing is boring! She just runs around looking at all the plants saying "flower" which sounds more like "wawar" over and over again. That is one of my very favorite words she says it sounds so sweet :) And she doesn't discriminate anything from a 30 foot tree to the grass is a "wawar." There aren't many actual flowers out right now because most everything is dead because even though it feels like spring...reality is it is still winter for a little while longer. She did find one of those little yellow flowers that grow in the grass (I think they are a type of weed) and she creeped up on it saying "wawar" and then stomped it..ha my little delicate sweetheart :) She also learned a new word today...while hauling laundry from upstairs to the basement with Allie Kate on my hip I dropped a sock (doesn't that always seem to happen just one little sock!) and not thinking anything about it while leaning over said "crap" and heard my little mini-me saying "tap, tap" ha! I guess I am going to have to start watching what I say! Last night Heath went to the Alabama basketball game and me and Allie Kate went to hang out with Nana (my mom) and Jake and Meghan and Hannah (my twin step-neices). We had planned on going to chuck E cheeses (we had taken her once before and she can't play games but she LOVES just to be around all the other "babies") but when we got there the line out the door was SO long and we decided just to go to the mall and make a build a bear! We ate in the food court (Allie kate had a kids meal) and rode the carousel...
She rode the elephant :)
And we went to build a bear where I felt SO bad for all the workers because my child would NOT let me hold her and they have all sorts of little clothes for the bears and Allie kept throwing them eveywhere! I was trying to go behind her and pick them up but she was going crazy! She only had one nap and she was really tired so I felt sorry for her :( AND while we were in build a bear and only had ONE wipe left she decided it would be a great time to take a poop :) Yep with one wet wipe left...that is not an easy task! Allie kate has never been to build a bear before (most kids havent when they are 1) but she does have a build a bear that my brother (her uncle) Jake made for her while I was pregnant with her! How sweet huh?
This is her shopping in build a bear...once again I am so sorry to the workers that had to clean up all the miniature bear clothes, shoes, bows, accessories off the floor...but she had a great time :)
This is her kitty or in her words "meow" she ended up getting! take a closer look...
Yes this little kitty, or "missy prissy" as we named her is wearing high heels! How funny is that!
Heath made it home from the basketball game before we got home around 9:30pm! Probably the latest she has been out (well besides Christmas and other holidays where it gets crazy).
Heath got up with Allie Kate this morning (thank the heavens) and let me sleep in...till 9am...and in mom world that is LATE! We went outside again today...I think my child is going to give me skin cancer this summer ha! Not really, but she adores outside and she HAS to have a cookie in each hand! It is a must...and if she eats one then she runs to the back door and beats on it until I go inside and get her another one :) I just love her and her goofy little ways! Seriously the little funny things she does just make my heart smile!
She has just recently started "smiling" for me :) and I could just melt everytime she does it!
This is her when I tried to take them back haha!
This is the ball...haha she kicks it until it looks right again! (one of my friends popped it I think and it is running out of air). That was our weekend and it was very nice! Time with my family is good time :) Going to watch desperate housewives with Heafy! Good night!
Another BEAUTIFUL day! We are all enjoying this weather and taking full advantage of the warm sunshine! We were outside a lot in our backyard again...sounds boring but with a 15 month old nothing is boring! She just runs around looking at all the plants saying "flower" which sounds more like "wawar" over and over again. That is one of my very favorite words she says it sounds so sweet :) And she doesn't discriminate anything from a 30 foot tree to the grass is a "wawar." There aren't many actual flowers out right now because most everything is dead because even though it feels like spring...reality is it is still winter for a little while longer. She did find one of those little yellow flowers that grow in the grass (I think they are a type of weed) and she creeped up on it saying "wawar" and then stomped it..ha my little delicate sweetheart :) She also learned a new word today...while hauling laundry from upstairs to the basement with Allie Kate on my hip I dropped a sock (doesn't that always seem to happen just one little sock!) and not thinking anything about it while leaning over said "crap" and heard my little mini-me saying "tap, tap" ha! I guess I am going to have to start watching what I say! Last night Heath went to the Alabama basketball game and me and Allie Kate went to hang out with Nana (my mom) and Jake and Meghan and Hannah (my twin step-neices). We had planned on going to chuck E cheeses (we had taken her once before and she can't play games but she LOVES just to be around all the other "babies") but when we got there the line out the door was SO long and we decided just to go to the mall and make a build a bear! We ate in the food court (Allie kate had a kids meal) and rode the carousel...
She rode the elephant :)
And we went to build a bear where I felt SO bad for all the workers because my child would NOT let me hold her and they have all sorts of little clothes for the bears and Allie kept throwing them eveywhere! I was trying to go behind her and pick them up but she was going crazy! She only had one nap and she was really tired so I felt sorry for her :( AND while we were in build a bear and only had ONE wipe left she decided it would be a great time to take a poop :) Yep with one wet wipe left...that is not an easy task! Allie kate has never been to build a bear before (most kids havent when they are 1) but she does have a build a bear that my brother (her uncle) Jake made for her while I was pregnant with her! How sweet huh?
This is the lamb my brother made for her! It says "I love you" when you squeeze one hand and has the tune rock a bye baby if you squeeze the other :) So sweet!
Allie Kate has gotten to where she does not want me to carry her anywhere and that kind of drives me crazy ...especially walking through the mall! This is her walking through the mall like a big girl...
Yes sippy cup and all she thinks she is 18 haha!
This is her kitty or in her words "meow" she ended up getting! take a closer look...
Yes this little kitty, or "missy prissy" as we named her is wearing high heels! How funny is that!
Heath made it home from the basketball game before we got home around 9:30pm! Probably the latest she has been out (well besides Christmas and other holidays where it gets crazy).
Heath got up with Allie Kate this morning (thank the heavens) and let me sleep in...till 9am...and in mom world that is LATE! We went outside again today...I think my child is going to give me skin cancer this summer ha! Not really, but she adores outside and she HAS to have a cookie in each hand! It is a must...and if she eats one then she runs to the back door and beats on it until I go inside and get her another one :) I just love her and her goofy little ways! Seriously the little funny things she does just make my heart smile!
She has just recently started "smiling" for me :) and I could just melt everytime she does it!
After her bath she was playing with my sun glasses (notice the lotion all over the lens...I put them back on and couldn't even see through them and I am not exageratting!)
We went out to eat tonight with my family to a mexican restaraunt and she was runnign around the place like a mad woman waving at everyone :) My little friendly child! Allie has been getting a little temper on her...don't know where she gets that :) She has been getting mad at her squishy ball when it dips in the middle and she loses it!
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