Allie Kate is officially a big cousin! Great news! And I have major baby fever! Being in the same place I had my sweet girl just 14 short months ago made me so emotional...I almost cried several times! It made me realize just how fast time flys!!! Candace had her healthy baby girl (7 lbs 3 oz and 20.5 inches long) last night at about 6:30pm.
Me and Allie got to Brookwood hospital at about 4pm and waited, and waited, and get the point :) Allie had a BLAST! This was like the highlight of her month! I worried that she would get ill or bored but she had an audience and she was running up and down the halls jibber jabbering or in the waiting room playing with people's cell phones or climbing in chairs or talking to strangers haha! It also didn't hurt that Candace's little brother, Chase, was there...Allie loved him and kept saying his name and pointing to him and saying "bee'bey" ha!
this was her texting :)
Heath met us over there after he got off work and we took turns chasing after our sweet girl! We went around 6pm to the cafeteria because I thought she might be getting hungry (and I was kinda bored just sitting there) and during our less than tasty dinner she pooped... A LOT! So after searching 2 different bathrooms for a changing table and no such luck, we had to resort to a booth in the cafeteria. I realize that is disguisting and I would have flipped out if I was trying to eat and someone was changing a poopy diaper...but I had to do what I had to do...I mean I couldn't lay her on the cold, hard hospital floor (that was my only other option). So after changing her I picked her up and realized it was ALL over her sweet dress....and of course JUST before we left for the hospital I had taken all her spare clothes out of my diaper bag because I thought "I always lug all these clothes around and she never needs them." So we hit the gift shop (with my child in a diaper ha!) and come to find out they don't really sell 12-18 month clothing. Imagine that everything was newborn size! Well that is except for one thing :) Allie Kate her very first pair of scrubs last night! ha! And might I add they were crazy expensive scrubs! It was so funny we left for dinner with my little doll looking so sweet in her little dress, leggings, and boots and when we came back she was wearing green scrubs that said "Doctor in training" on the back! Everyone obviously thought we just did it because we liked the scrubs...not so much, I was actually pretty embarassed about them, but my husband informed me we had more compliments on those goofy scrubs than some of her cutest outfits :) People thought it was cute?

Of course I think she can rock anything making it adorable but she is mine, I am supposed to think that!
Anyways back to the baby...we couldn't actually see the baby (or her mommy and daddy) until about 9:30pm! So at about 9pm Heath offered to take Allie home and bathe her and put her down if I wasn't home yet. Trust me, I tried so hard to get home...thinking "she needs me, she misses me, she wonders where her mommy is" because I ALWAYS put her to bed. The only time anyone else has ever done it was when I had a Christmas party to go to that I couldn't be home. So when I got home I was pleasantly surprised that she was fast asleep :) I went in to check on her (like I always do) before going to bed and she even smelled good :) Of course Heath was so happy to do it and went over exactly what he had done 20 times! So thankful that he wants to help me out and be hands-on!
Allie never got to meet the "bee-bey" she waited so long to see, so me and her went today after her nap to meet her new cousin!
Today when I pulled out my camera (of course while she was strapped in her is the only time she is still) she actually looked at me and smiled!
We got to the hospital and got to meet baby Brynnen! She had a tummy ache and was crying and Allie Kate didn't know what to think! She acted scared! Bless her heart she was worried about her she would point and say "bey-bee" with a worried look on her face.
I know I look drunk but it was my only picture with her!
She liked the rocking chair :)
She kept touching Candace's boob ha! Which I am sure Candace really appreciated :)
Sweet Brynnen Taylor
Sweet Allie Kate :)
After visiting with Candace and Jacob for a little bit we headed over to see "Nana" and Jake since they are leaving for the beach tomorrow. And Allie Kate decided that she wanted to climb on the counters and the table...she loves to climb!
then she found a random pair of glasses and thought it was SOOO funny :) and it was!!
I love this sweet baby more and more everyday...seeing Jake and Candace with their new baby girl remonds me of when I first had Allie Kate and she was great then but she is soo funny and has the sweetest little personality now. Me and Heath were talking earlier and it is so hard to believe they go from so little and fragile not even able to hold their head up to running around talking and exploring!