It's Thanksgiving and I have SO much to be thankful for! We woke up today and got ready and headed to Nan and Pop's to eat with them at about 12:30...Daddy, Pop, and Papa (oh and Allie Kate haha) fried a turkey! Allie Kate just wanted to be outside, and I don't blame her it was so pretty today!
Nan and Pop dragged out this old horse that used to be Heath's and AK thought it was so cool :)
Allie helping fry the turkey :)
Riding the horse!
Hanging out with her Papa
Notice the cookie on his leg haha :)
Then we came home for a nap (yeah right) I laid Allie down and then about an hour later she got up because it was very clear she was not going to sleep :) But then about an hour before we were supposed to go down to Nana's house to eat she decided that she would like a nap (well I kind of decided for her :) Who know maybe she is just so excited about the food...or the shopping haha

Well it happened....Allie Kate has been potty training since last Wednesday (and is doing great with close to no accidents and she is even wearing panties in public now) and she finally went poo poo without us having to tell her it was time to go sit on potty!!! Whhhhooooo hoo :) She looked at Heath and said "Allie Kate pooted" and then took off down the hallway to her potty! I love that sweet little booger! I know people have horror stories with potty training but this has been a breeze (and I hope it stays that way) she LOVES her panties and begs to even wear them night night (but I still make her wear a night time diaper at night) but we went to the movies for the first time last night and she wore a pull-up just in case but we just took her potty and she never even tee tee'd in it!!! GOOOOO ALLIE!!

So last night we took Allie to her first movie! We went and ate at Jason's Deli and then went to watch "Puss in boots" with Gran and Papa...needless to say she was not all that entertained! She watched it for about 20 minutes and that was all she could stand to stay still and be quiet :) And the time that she did watch it she literally repeated in a funny voice everything that the little cat in the movie said! It was pretty funny! Maybe we will try again when she is a little bit older!
About to head out to see her first movie!
us in the movie theater...she literally shook she was so excited while we were walking in...then she found out it required her to be still :)
At dinner
She loves her ice cream
I thought this pic was so funny because this is like everyday trying to get Allie Kate to look at the camera and smile...her not looking...and Heath staring like "Oh my gosh what are yall doing"! But it's a good thing I am around to take pictures because I think Heath would just say forget it haha :)
We have had a great Thanksgiving holiday so far!!! Thank you Lord for everything!!!