So we have been just a little busy lately and I have been slacking on the blogging :( Here is what has been going on...
We got a new dog, her name is Sally and she is a cocker spaniel! She is really cute BUT I did not know what I was getting myself into when we got her. I just thought she would sit around and look cute and didn't really think about the other parts. Allie Kate LOVED her the first few days but now she is terrified of her because she jumps on her so now she doesn't want to go into the backyard and play unless I am holding her. So we will have to wait until Sally gets a little older for Allie Kate to play in her sand box again :( But that being said Allie Kate loves her from a distance...she always "wants to go see Sally" and stands at the back door and beats on the glass and talks to her!
Allie Kate went to her first dance class...she looked so cute but she wanted me on there the whole time and I just think we may wait until this fall when she is almost 3 to start taking regularly :)
We went to the beach for the first time this year!! Just me and Allie Kate got to go because Daddy had to work (hey somebody's gotta make the money right?). So I was a little worried about the 5 hr trip by myself with Allie but she was FANTASTIC!! She didn't even so much as wimper on the way down or back home I was very pleasantly surprised!! Allie LOVED having all the kids around and all the adults joked around and said she was like the class pet haha!
She liked the sand but we didn't really go play in it much because now she is afraid of the waves...yes we conquered one fear and now its the waves :) And it was pretty cool still with the wind blowing like crazy!

Allie Kate is the funniest little kid I have ever been around in my life! And I don't just think that because she is mine, everyone tells me they think she is too!! She told me while we were driving back to the beach house "I need to potty mommy" and I said "Ok we will be there in just a minute hold on" and she replied "Oh garsh, I'm about to poo poo in my carseat" and had the funniest look on her face! She also decided that one of the men that was stying with us she was going to name hippopautomus and called him that the ENTIRE time! she would say "look mommy hippopautamus is naked in the pool" thats another thing it seriously bothers her when people aren't fully clothed...she is just now getting comfortable with the idea of shorts...seriously she refused to wear them when I first showed them to her and she points out every person wearing them and says "look mommy dey not have no pants on" she cracks me up!!
She didn't really like the pool this trip I think it was because as soon as you got out and the wind was blowing and you were wet you would freeze! But she still wanted to wear her bikini and walk around the pool and watch the other kids ALL DAY LONG!!! haha!
We took out yearly pic of Allie Kate in front of the pretty pink flower bush and it was weird to think this is the 3rd year in a row we have a picture in front of them and then it made me sad about when we move that we can't take that anymore (I get way to sentimental about things) Look how my girl has grown :(
We went to Collin Bailey's 2nd birthday! And rode the train :)
We spent way too much money and went to some dinosaur adventure expo at the bjcc...but Allie Kate had fun!!
Allie's first braid...she asked me to do it :)
Matching toe nails...
I took Allie Kate to see Dr. Bill the other day for a rash on her hands and surprise....she LOVED him she talked his ears off :) she has always cried when he even comes in the room but this time she was so happy to see him! She let him look in her throat, listen to her heart and she told him all about the rash on her hands and before he left she said "can I have a big ole hug Dr. Bill?" it caught him do off guard because she is normally terrified of him...but it is a very nice change!

We also found out some more news...its very exciting and we haven't announced it yet but this is just a personal blog so no one I know will find out...Allie Kate is going to be a big sister!!! Whooo hooo! We are so happy but it has kind of made me sad to realize it won't be just me and her anymore...and then I have to quit thinking about it because it makes me VERY sad to think about BUT I am glad to be adding another baby and I know I will love it just as much (even though I can't even imagine that right now)