Sweet baby boy was born on Monday February 1st 2016 :-) which put him at 2 weeks to the day ahead of his estimated due date! A few days before I had been having really bad sciatic nerve pain in my lower back since Allie's "rocking to the rhymes" play on Thursday night. I figured that weekend I had better start packing my bag and getting the kids clothes together so I made my list....
I left it on the counter and went to take a shower and when I got out Allie Kate had written this on it and came and gave it to me and told me to take it to the hospital with me and look at it everyday and think about her :) Yes...I cried!
This is the last picture I have of my belly pregnant! Just two days later baby Mason would be here :)
We had a big weekend...Thursday night we had Allie Kate's "rocking to the rhymes," Friday night we had Allie's friend Addie spend the night, Saturday we went to the circus, Sunday I got all our laundry put up and got all the kids clothes and shoes together and labeled for when we went in the have the baby (I was set to be induced on Feb 8th) and we played outside and then went to Nan and Pop's for dinner :) We went to bed like regular and I woke up my usual 10 times to pee and laid back down and dozed off at 3am when I felt a small gush of fluid...it woke me up and I got up and told Heath, "get up I think my water just broke!" He got up and came in the bathroom and at that point it was trickling down my leg and we both agreed that it was time to throw a bag together (no neither one of us had a bag packed...I got tired after I packed all the kids stuff) and head to the hospital. By the time we got a bag packed and Gran and Papa got here to keep the kids and we made our way to the hospital it was about 4:30am. They got us settled in a room and we pretty much just waited until my doctor came around at about 7am. I had been having consistent contractions but they weren't very strong so the doctor put me on pitocin and about an hour later I got my epidural and it was like HEAVEN! After that it was a waiting game. I was very nervous the whole time because after each contraction the babies heart rate would drop and I would have to move positions or use the oxygen mask (and I have had to do this in my past labors BUT this time I was more aware of the possibility of having a repeat c section). Finally they checked me and I was "complete" and ready to push so the nurse called the doctor and she came down and masked and gloved up before I ever started pushing! I pushed literally 5 times and my sweet boy was born! It was a really cool experience and I was SO SO SO thankful for my vbac that I almost cried!!! He was (and still is ;) absolutely perfect :) He was 7 lbs even and 20.75inches long!

In labor and delivery :) You can tell I was NOT prepared to go into labor and despite my begging they wouldn't let me take a shower haha!!
Sweet baby Mason Cole :)
First time holding my sweet love!
Proud Daddy :)
I still can't believe we are the mommy and daddy of 4 precious babies! How lucky and blessed we are!
Nana and baby Mason!
We wanted to wait and have our girls (and Hudson...even though he was preoccupied) watch Mason get his first bath and they were so sweet and just so excited to see their baby brother!
Washing baby Mason's hair for the first time
I was so excited to see my other babies since we didn't really get a chance to tell them what was going on (since it was 4am when we left for the hospital) and they were so sweet :) Ava had been to see me while I was still in labor and was wearing the oxygen mask and she wouldn't come anywhere near me and said "momma I thought you was a monster." Bless her!!
All clean and ready to snuggle :)
Hudson (who is now massive to me by the way) was also excited to see mommy and play with all the cool gadgets HA!!
Wild woman :)
Even though I was ready to go home and missed all the other kids, we sure enjoyed loving this sweet boy and having that special time in the hospital with just him :)
While Allie was at school Gran and Papa brought the two littles out to visit their baby brother :)
sibling love!
Ava has a new face she loves to make for pics!
When Allie got out of school she was DETERMINED to come to the hospital to see her new brother...and she has been obsessed ever since :)
Getting ready to go home :) We were so excited to get home and have our whole family together
Coming home felt kind of weird but GREAT too :) and as soon as big sisters got home they couldn't wait to get their hands on "baby Mason Jason Cole Vaughn."
They have been baby hogs ever since..literally fighting over whos turn it is to hold him! And even Hudson loves him...always laying his head over to love him and getting him his "papeeee" and shoving it in his mouth :) I must say how proud I am of my babies...we have not had one act of jealousy whatsoever from any of them and I am so thankful for that!
First bath at home
Brother love :)
My two sweet boys have my heart :)
Sisters :)
This sweet boy seems so big to me but he is still just little and I love that he has a brother now to grow up with!
Baby feet :)
We had newborn pics this past week and I can't wait to get them back :)
Sweet boys :)
Baby boys belly button cord fell off when he was a week old and he got to get in the bathtub :) He loved it obviously ;) Put him right to sleep!
We are so thankful for this beautiful boy (as Ava likes to call him) and how he has completed our little (or maybe not so little anymore) family :) We have only known you for about a week and a half and already cannot imagine life without you!