For the past few weeks we have been unusually busy! We have had a bridesmaid meeting and an engagement party (both for my sister), getting gifts together for the couples/basket party (also for my sister), we took Allie Kate to meet the Easter bunny, and trying to get all the Easter stuff together for Allie Kate is a task :) My parents also got Allie a swing set so Heath has been working hard putting it together and then we had my family over for dinner so the guys could set it up. It seems like we have had some sort of running around to do EVERY single day, and I am kind of a homebody so that is not how I like it.

So Allie Kate did a lot better than I thought she would do with the Easter bunny...she didn't want to go to him but when I handed her over she didn't freak out quite like she did with Santa (by the way I also got to sit with Santa because my sweet girl was terrified and she STILL cried because he was sitting next to us! haha). In the picture she is pointing at me with a funny face and she just kept saying "mommy, mommy." Why do we torture our children like this? haha I mean there are very few kids who actually want to go see the Easter bunny or Santa! But that being said she will be on both of their laps next year :)
this is what she did with a real bunny :)
The swing set that my parents bought for Allie Kate is the highlight of her year! She LOVES it! I was so thankful that they got it for her because we just couldn't find one that was the right age for her. Either they were huge and just too advanced for her or they were tiny and she would outgrow it by next year. She still gets so excited when she sees it out the window and she literally shakes :) It is the cutest thing ever! She loves to swing and yells "weeee" and says "side side side" (slide) all the time.
I joked with my mom today that we may have to hire a maid service to come and clean it every week because she FREAKS out if there is even a tiny speck on it! She will be up in her fort and say "Uh-O mommy" "help,help" and I will look and she has found a tiny speck of dirt and is in desperate need of my assistance :) She is also like this about both her hands and feet...sometimes I have to look really hard to even see what she is talking about!
My sister had her engagement/couples/basket party this past Friday night and it turned out really nice. Each couple is assigned a basket theme (ex:honeymoon, spring cleaning, date night, stock the pantry, car wash, laundry....) we had laundry. I was sad that I had to leave Allie Kate (Heath's parents watched her) but I was glad to see all of my friends that I don't really see that much anymore!
I also made this cute little art project to give to her...
So I just put together Allie's Easter basket (whoops just spoiled the whole bunny lie)...I LOVE stuff like this! I get so into it! Heath says it looks like Santa came to our house :) But we only have one baby right now so that is ok...when we start adding more then I might have to control myself a little more (yeah right).

Tonight (Saturday, 4/23/2011) we took Allie to Burger King to eat and play and had so much, Heath and Allie ended up in the tubes tonight! She refused to go through the tunnels to get to the slide so we had to climb up the slide backwards and it took both me and Heath to get her up there (it was a really twisty, long slide). After that we went to winn dixie to pick up a few things for my Easter dish I am taking to my mom's tomorrow (corn casserole) and Allie got a sucker and when I was strapping her in her car seat I told Allie Kate I needed to hold her sucker...when I gave it back to her she looked at me so sweetly and said "thank you momma." That just makes my heart smile...and not even really the thank you part (although that is very sweet and I want her to have good manners) it is the momma that she is adding to the end of everything now...I just love it :) She will also say over and over again "my mommy, my mommy, my mommy" I think that came from me singing that to her when she was little though because she says it in the same tune I used to sing it in :)

Allie Kate with her baby cousin
My little angel girl is the sweetest ever! Here are a few pictures from when Allie met her first real bunny...
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