Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My baby girl is 18 months old :)

My girl is 18 months old!
I can’t believe it, you are a year and a half old! That sounds crazy! You are just so funny and such a little mess! You have started talking so much more than you already were (which is very impressive to most people when they hear you talk). You are still a really big mommy’s girl (which I hope never changes).
I am trying to teach you when someone asks you how old you are to hold your finger up and say “one” but most of the time you say “Allie” haha. You are very friendly, when I have you out anywhere you will just shout and carry-on until you get someone’s attention but then if they come to close you freak out and tell them “no,no.”
Your favorite book right now is a book called “Brothers” and it has little boys doing all sorts of things in it and you know everything in it! You will say “Ewww, momma” to most of the pages…it has pictures of boys eating worms, playing in the mud and you say “ewww” about everything J

You like to get into your shopping cart!

You are still teeny tiny…wearing 12-18 mos clothes and still in a size 4 shoe…maybe a 5 soon. I just weighed you this morning and you weighed 20.8 lbs-21lbs (you kept bouncing so the scale would go back and forth haha). You wake up every morning between 7-8 am and you take only one nap a day around 12pm and you go to bed between 7:30-8pm every night.

You still love being outside, you helped mommy and daddy pick up sticks all in our yard from the storms we had last week and pile them up. The other day we were at Gran and papa’s house on their back deck swinging and you kept looking at me saying “pecker” and I thought “what in the world” but then I heard a wood pecker and realized that was what you were talking about.
You have recently started climbing up in hte recliner and trying to dive over the back...this makes me very nervous!

You love the bathtub and you will sit forever and pour water from cup to cup. And when I get your towel to get you out you will stand up like you are getting out and then as I lean down you sit down and laugh…stinker! You will also look at me and clap twice because I will say “ come on lets get out” and clap twice…I didn’t realize I even did it until you showed me haha.
You love oatmeal cookies and always want to carry one around with you!

You are doing good with your potty you got for Easter…still using it in the morning and before bath time (You still demand me turn the water on every time). We have been a little off for the past few days while the power was out and we were at the hotel but we will be back on track in no time J

You talk ALL THE TIME! And I LOVE it! You are definitely my child. You are putting words together now and have recently told me:
*”Mommy, sit here, mommy”- when you wanted me to sit by you
*”Love my Ju, Momma” -after hearing her say it
*”Tank you my Gunk gunk”-after Gran made you some apple juice
* You say “Ewww momma” about everything
*You always tell me “tank you, momma”
*You will say “Pay pay momma” and “cook”-when you want to play with your kitchen.
Your favorite thing in this world right now is to get in mommy and daddy's "Beddy" (our bed) and play with take the top off, put it back on about 1400 times and smear it all over your face and mine:)
You will feed and give your “babies” food and drinks of your drink…such a sweet girl. And you have baby that will burp after it drinks and you will always make a burp noise and laugh. You have really gotten into telling me and daddy (and everyone else around) where you want them to sit…but not in a bossy way…most of the time you want mommy and daddy sitting on each side of you. The other day you wanted me, you, and papa all in a rocking chair haha. You can also open the back door, we just discovered this yesterday so we are going to have to be very careful to make sure it is always locked.

I think the world of you and just fall more in love with you everyday! You make my heart smile just by looking at me with those big blue eyes and I know I am very lucky to have you! And you have daddy wrapped around your little finger too…I have a feeling he won’t be good at enforcing rules on you. You also figured out my name is Ashley and you think it is hilarious to shout it…you will yell “Ash, Ash” and then “Asheeey.” You have known daddy’s name is Heath for awhile and sometimes yell out “Heattt” too J We are having so much fun with you and can’t wait to take you to the beach and watch you experience everything…I wonder what you will think of the sand?? We will find out in a few weeks! HAPPY 18 months!!! I have loved every minute!!

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