We just got back from Destin :) We went with Heath's entire family and had a lot of fun!
The first day Allie wasn't too excited about the sand as usual she was doing everything she could to stay out of it...
This is what she did when I first sat her in her chair until her poor little legs got tired!
And then when she got tired of holding her little feet up she had to have a bucket of water right beside her in case her little foot accidentally got any sand on it haha :)
But then something crazy and totally unexpected happened...guess who actually played in the sand and walked around in it too....yep about the second day it was like someone flipped a light switch and she was running around yelling "tantastle" (sandcastle) at us :)
This is her getting excited :)
Building a sandcastle :)
Our sand castle!
Later in the week there was a fair at the mall in panama city so after dinner we went and rode all the rides and Allie had a blast! We didn't get back to the beach house until 10:30pm!
This is the "tinky plane" the first one I put her in she said "tinks mommy" and it did stink so we had to move to a different one and she is always talking about the "tinky plane" :)
We even rode the farris wheel!!
She thought this was so funny because she loves hot dog weenies!!
*Allie Kate also just turned 22 mos old yesterday and I cannot believe before too long I will be the mommy of a two year old!!! I am so thankful for her! And she is SOOO smart! She can literally have a conversation with you! I enjoyed her sleeping with us at the beach because everynight before she would go to sleep she would talk and pretty much re-cap her entire day and name every single person that was with us (which was a lot!). She also has the sweetest heart...if I act like I am crying she gets the most worried look on her face and will do whatever I want her to (like give me her beloved passy :)
She is still tiny...of course but I think she is growing right now (even though she doesn't eat at all hardly). Of course there are a few things she LOVES to eat :)
Ice cream :)
She loves to lick the "Poony" when I am cooking
And her very favorite is her "f*cka" which I have begged and pleaded for her to call a lolli pop :) Everyone who hears her say this thinks it is the funniest thing!
She still sleeps awesome (through the night and takes one 2-3 hr nap a day around lunch time).
this is where she sits and watches daddy cut grass (and yells at him for not having a shirt on haha) She says "Daddy naked, shirt on daddy, boobies, no no no daddy" over and over again :)
She has many babies that she tends to :) There is Emma, Sasha (the old scraggly one), new sasha (the newer doll) that she sometimes calls pretty sasha, and suzy (a hard baby that weighs a ton and she always tells me "heavy"...these are just her favorites right now and she would literally sleep with all of them if I let her, I have to make her choose and sometimes she gets mad so I just pick one for her!

Oh and Allie Kate has FINALLY started saying yes! Normally everything is a no but just in the past few weeks she has started saying yes to some things...like when we were at the beach and I asked her if she wanted to ride the farris wheel she looked and me and shook and almost shouted "yes" haha! Then just yesterday I asked if she wanted to go to the zoo and she said "yes!!!" and then started telling me about the birdies at the zoo and naming all the animals she wants to see (very smart girl!). She is also saying "yes mam and no mam and yes sir and no sir" a lot better (not all the time but she is doing good...she still gets the mam and sir part mixed up some).
She loves to ride anything...we will ride the four wheeler, the gator, and she loves Pop's golf cart!
She is still a little shy but she has become a lot more outgoing to strangers, while at the beach she was standing on the balcony and saw a man walking by and yelled "hey man, how ya doin?" and every man that she doesn't know their name she calls "man" she will talk to people at dinner and after everything she says she adds a "man" like "hey man" "eat man" "dance man."
Allie Kate is into absolutely everything!! But she is very funny she will tell me "mess mommy" she likes everything neat :)
In Brynnen's swing
Trying to get Pop's phone, she isn't tall enough so she has to climb haha!
She is still not potty trained she will sit on it and get her m&m's and sometimes she will tee tee in it but she doesn't tell me when she needs to go. She wore her first pair of panties about 2 weeks ago and thought they were cool until she soaked them...and the next pair :)I am so proud of my girl of how sweet and smart she is!
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