For three months I have gotten to love on the sweetest little baby girl and I couldn't love her more! I so enjoy all the love and snuggling and want to remember every little detail because I realize now how fast it flies by! Ava grace you are absolutely beautiful inside and out you smile all the time and are so sweet and happy :) you LOVE your sister and smile at her constantly! And she loves you so much too...she is getting so much better with you and wants to help do everything, which can be interesting :) You have gotten even more vocal and "talk" all the time and we all laugh at you when you watch baby Einstein because you literally jabber the entire time (sometimes your sister says "hush Ava grace" haha). We have started sleep training in the past week and you are doing very good and breaking my heart at the same time...not a fan of hearing you cry! You have never slept all the way until morning I believe the longest you have slept was from around 8pm-4 not sure if that counts as all night? You also have become aware of other people holding you and aren't very find of it sometimes (although it makes me feel pretty special) nana and aunt ju came over and you screamed the entire time I was in the shower while aunt ju had you and cried when nana talked to you :) I thought it was pretty funny because your big sister prefers them both to me and I know one day you probably will too :) you are so special to me and I love our time together no matter if we are just sitting there rocking or having a full blown conversation :)

You have also gotten chunkier and I love all your rolls! You haven't been to the doctor again but I would guess you probably weigh around 13 pounds and you are wearing 3 mos clothes and I think you will probably be moving out of 3 mos sleepers soon because you are long!
I don't think you have really lost my hair (maybe a little where you scrub your head on the bed)
Happy 3 months my sweet doll :)
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