Ava grace is 6 months old!!! That seems crazy...I just had her a few weeks ago!! My poor baby is really sick on her half birthday :( she has been sick for about a month now (maybe a little longer!) she just can't seem to kick it! She was on antibiotics for a week and they really messed her little belly up and she would cry and then poop anytime she ate and now that she's off the antibiotics she has gotten sick again with cold like symptoms :(
Sweet girl is so happy most of the time she smiles and "talks" constantly and I could just eat her up!
Some facts about sweet girl:
*She is sitting up really good, she still falls to the side a lot but she's trying :)
*We should start cereal in the next few weeks (when she finally kicks her sickness!)
*She is such a chunky monkey and me and Allie Kate call her "Chawnkey" and then Allie gets jealous and
asks me is she has "big ole chawnks on her legs" bless her skinny little heart :)
Some facts about sweet girl:
*She is sitting up really good, she still falls to the side a lot but she's trying :)
*We should start cereal in the next few weeks (when she finally kicks her sickness!)
*She is such a chunky monkey and me and Allie Kate call her "Chawnkey" and then Allie gets jealous and
asks me is she has "big ole chawnks on her legs" bless her skinny little heart :)
*She is still in a size 3 diaper, has been for over a month
*She doesn't say "mama" anymore and really hasn't since she said it those 5 or 6 times
*Such a happy baby always smiling and laughing
*sleeping all night (when she isn't sick)
*taking better naps 1-2.5 hours
*Rolls all over the place!
*LOVES her exercaucer!
*Wears anywhere from 6-12 month clothes, mostly 6-9 mos (still in 6 mos sleepers)

This sweet girl didn't get to wear her 6 months sticker yet because she was sick and ill and I felt bad changing her clothes back and forth just for a picture...I WILL get my sticker picture soon :)
Memorial day weekend we stayed home and just hung out, which was nice since we will be gone the next two weekends and both girls ended up sick anyways!
We went down to Nana's pool to swim on Memorial day then came home for naptime and headed to Gran and Papa's with the whole family to eat dinner! Uneventful but fun!
this is where Ava Grace took her nap in the shade while we swam :)
had to wake her up from her nap to go down to Gran and Papa's and she was not happy...and Daddy was photo-bombing her!
Riding bikes at Gran and papa's house :)
Ava Grace was already scheduled for her 6 month check up appt. Tuesday morning and it kind of turned into a sick visit instead :( She weighed 16 pounds 6 oz and was 25.5 inches long (he said she was in the 50th percentile). He tested her for mycoplasma (we all ended up having) which is walking pneumonia and she tested positive so it was 5 more days on an antibiotic and probiotics to help with her little belly :) best part NO SHOTS!!! But we have to go back in a couple of weeks for those!
Poor thing fell asleep while waiting on lab results in Dr.Bill's office
two sick babies helping me cook dinner :)
We have been packing for the beach this week and Allie Kate helped me lay out her and Ava's matching clothes :) Bless her, packing is kinda stressful because she wants to wear or try on all of her and Ava's clothes...you can see how this might pose a problem :)
Allie Kate has gotten very into lining her toys up to block walkways...she either lines them up in a straight line or just puts them in a big pile but she does this outside with all her riding toys and with all her baby doll furniture inside! Oh and that is her pallet she made for herself in the floor to lay on and watch Sofia the 1st (she has been really tired since she has been sick!)
Daddy wanted Allie Kate to have a baseball cap for the beach, he said "She needs either navy or red" and so we compromised and she got white with her initials :)
Friday (today) we went to Brio's for Julie's early birthday lunch since we will be at the beach for her actual birthday
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