I did see a putty tat...I did! Allie Kate has been BEGGING for a kitten for the past month or so...she even asked Santa for a baby pink one :) Well me and Heath neither one are animal people and so we have been resisting. I had the master plan to get her off our backs about this dang cat we had to hear about constantly....we would take her to the humane society and let her meet a few and they would claw her and she would be over and done with her cat obsession. So we took her on Sunday to meet some kittens and I made her sit indian style in the floor and said "Bring on the cats" certain that this would show her she did not want a cat....lets just say it backfired MAJORLY! She was even more in love and when it sank its little razor sharp claws into her she laughed and said "it's ok, she didn't mean to"....WHAT???? What happened to the little girl who is TERRIFIED of her cocker spaniel because it jumps on her and scratches? Long story short: we left with a kitten.

All so excited to meet the cats :) Bless Allie's heart she brought a ball from home and said she would give it to the cat "that chose her" because "people don't choose cats...your cat chooses you" :) She was in LOVE with this little kitty cat and decided we "needed" her and her name was Destin and Allie renamed her "Sparkles"
So meet "Sparkle Vaughn"...has a ring to it huh?
Honestly today while Allie Kate was at school I had her given away...I cannot have a cat inside my house...CANNOT! I know...what kind of mom buys her kid a kitten and then gives it away? Not this mom...as bad as I wish we would have never taken Allie to see them, I am going to keep the cat (outside soon hopefully and until then in a kennel for the most part when Allie isn't playing with it)...I figure the new will wear off soon :) But for now Allie LOVES her and hugs and kisses all over her and I will let her :)
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