My handsome 8 month old!!! You are growing and learning like crazy right now! You have had a busy month :) You are sitting up like a champ, you will get on your hands and knees and rock (you also smash your head in the floor and push yourself backwards), you got your first tooth (and then another tooth!) and had your first easter :) sleeping is still going are still waking up once a night to eat your bottle and then right back to sleep. You take two naps a day (1.5-3 hours each). You are a big boy (even if the doctor disagrees) you already weigh about 19 lbs (more than your sisters weighed at 1yr!) and you're definitely getting chunkier :) You moved to a size 3 diaper! You love to eat...but only the good fruity baby food :) you snarl up your nose and snort at any veggies or meat. You are a mover...not quite crawling but you get where you want to go! You roll and maneuver to make it happen ;) you LOVE Mickey Mouse clubhouse and smile and will about break your neck to see the tv when it's on! Your first tooth was #10 (your left lateral incisor) and it looked/still looks hilarious! The very next day you broke through #24!! (you also just broke #25 through!)

You have had a hard time with your reflux (a few doc appts and prilosec twice a day) and you still throw up like crazy...but in the past week or so you came off your medicine and are doing a lot better :)
You are the sweetest and best baby I know! Such a happy handsome boy :)
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