Happy Easter!! He is RISEN!!! I always try to make sure and talk to my girls about the true meaning of Easter each year because it's more than a basket or good food or hunting eggs. Ava was VERY interested in the Easter story this year and Allie Kate knows a lot from school and hearing it year after year and I love hearing her explain it to me (in more detail than I can give, might I add). I was so excited for Easter as our complete family of 6! We went to church for the first time since Mason was born and opened Easter baskets and had family time and it was a busy fun day :)
I was excited to have 4 Easter baskets this year :) And it took me a LONG time to shove all of this junk into 4 baskets!

Ava's stuff :) The only thing she wanted in her basket was circus peanuts :) Bless her heart she was so excited about those!
Hudson's stuff
Allie Kate's stuff
Mason's stuff...He really enjoyed that chocolate bunny ;)
the kids were so excited to get their Easter baskets before church on Easter Sunday!
Mason was so excited :)
We had to make everyone leave their goodies and get ready for church because getting our family out the door and to church by 9am was no easy task!
Sweet baby's first Easter :) Oldest and youngest!
After church we came home for a short nap for Ava and Hudson and I had to make corn casserole to take to Nana's house :)
This messy haired blue eyed beauty OWNS me :)
The kids were SO excited for the egg hunt and it had been raining so we had to go barefoot and watch for POOP from Nana's new dog...yuck!
this girl is just the most precious baby!
My sweet big beauty :)
Ava found an egg with a slug and she was mesmerized!
Me and sweet Mason walked around and helped Ava and Allie find eggs :)
Sweet cousins
All boy...he wasn't interested in hunting eggs
We went straight from Nana's house to Nan and Pop's house for the other side of the family! It was raining again and they had an egg hunt in the basement but the kids didn't care one bit ;)
This sweet group of babies is just precious! They all play so sweet together and each have their own little playmates :)
1 month apart :)
We got home and everyone was exhausted and went right to bed...but I stayed up and loved on this sweet fella....
Because babies don't keep! And there is not a thing I would rather be doing!
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