Sunday, May 3, 2015

Choir and a "for sale" sign!!!

Allie Kate got to sing in big church for choir last week and she was SO shy! She did all the movements with her arms and smiled but she didn't sing one word! Oh well... I can't blame her! She is getting a lot more bashful these days...I never thought I'd ever say Allie and bashful in the same sentence! I guess that means she is growing up :-(

And in other exciting news....

Yeh...Huddy is falling over and Allie is mad she has to take a least Ava smiled! HA!

We decided to put our house up for sale!!! I will update how it goes :)

8 months old :)

My handsome 8 month old!!! You are growing and learning like crazy right now! You have had a busy month :) You are sitting up like a champ, you will get on your hands and knees and rock (you also smash your head in the floor and push yourself backwards), you got your first tooth (and then another tooth!) and had your first easter :) sleeping is still going are still waking up once a night to eat your bottle and then right back to sleep. You take two naps a day (1.5-3 hours each). You are a big boy (even if the doctor disagrees) you already weigh about 19 lbs (more than your sisters weighed at 1yr!) and you're definitely getting chunkier :) You moved to a size 3 diaper! You love to eat...but only the good fruity baby food :) you snarl up your nose and snort at any veggies or meat. You are a mover...not quite crawling but you get where you want to go! You roll and maneuver to make it happen ;) you LOVE Mickey Mouse clubhouse and smile and will about break your neck to see the tv when it's on! Your first tooth was #10 (your left lateral incisor) and it looked/still looks hilarious! The very next day you broke through #24!! (you also just broke #25 through!)

You have had a hard time with your reflux (a few doc appts and prilosec twice a day) and you still throw up like crazy...but in the past week or so you came off your medicine and are doing a lot better :)

You are the sweetest and best baby I know! Such a happy handsome boy :)


He is RISEN :) I love Easter! It literally gives me chill bumps to tell my children the Easter story...even if they are fighting and throwing things the whole time I'm talking (real life, right?)

Allie Kate was all about the Easter bunny and wanting to know whether it is real or not and I decided that I wasn't going to play it I told her "Mommy is the Easter bunny" (Hey I give them Santa...but I giant rabbit hopping from house to house...really?) and I also get irritated that it always becomes about something else instead of I never talked about the Easter bunny just answered her questions if she asked. (And by the way she did not believe me...she still believes in the bunny and I'm fine with that I just didn't want all the hype to be about a bunny or a prize). BUT that being said... I absolutely LOVE making their little Easter baskets...I just want them to know the true meaning of Easter :)

The girls woke up and opened their baskets (Huddy slept in and opened his after church)...they were pretty excited about their little goodies :)

Ava's :)

Allie's (and let me tell you that girl was PUMPED about her walmart high heels! It's the little things :)

We all went to church together and sat with our families like we do almost every year :) Hudson did great! After church we came back and hung out at our house (attempted pictures) and Jake came to our house and we watched "Big Hero 6" while Ava and Huddy napped!
Yes...Allie wore her new high heels to church to show all her friends "how amazing" they were ;)

It is really hard getting family pictures these days!

My handsome Hudson was 7 months old and had his first Easter :) Loved getting to dress up my sweet boy this year...oh how I love this sweet little guy!

He also opened his basket once we got home...he was so excited for his new stuff ;)

We had a great time (me, Heath, Allie, and Jake) watching a movie together and hanging out and then when the littles woke up we headed down to Nana's house for Easter dinner and another egg hunt!

So excited waiting to hunt eggs :)

Sweet Libs :)

Sweet girl :) I was determined to get a picture...and I did! Even if I was sweating and had ran about a mile trying to keep up with her! 

After Nana's we headed to Nan and Pop's for another Easter dinner....yeh...that's a lot of eating!

Sweet babies :)

Poor little guy...hold have a boy cousin coming!!!

This boy has my heart! Gosh I love him! Such a happy sweet boy! I am so thankful he is mine!!
Happy 7 months and 1st Easter!!!!

Yeh...I don't even wanna go there...

The girls had a great time riding on the golf cart eating way too much candy with their cousins :) We had a great Easter...our best yet!!! So thankful for our family and that Jesus overcame the grave that day!!!