Thursday, September 10, 2015

Huddy is a year old :)

My Huddy buddy is 1!!!!

Sweet boy,

           You are the sweetest little stinker I know :) You LOVE your momma and if Daddy gets you from me or even walks away from me holding you it's not pretty! You prefer to be with momma ;) You are so close to walking...even taking 2-3 steps and scaling the furniture like crazy :) It won't be long! You can stand up on your own just sitting in the floor. You LOVE to eat...pretty much anytime you are up for bites :) You had your one year check up today and you weigh 19 lbs 15 oz :)You have 8 teeth and you know how to use them...your crib looks like we trapped an angry beaver in it! You will also bite anything you can get your slobbery little mouth on ;) You aren't much of a talker quite can say "mama" "dada" "nana" and have said "bye" before but not many times. I am trying to work on "bite" and "drink" with you but you get mad and holler, you don't have time for all that :) You love your sisters and they both love you (as long as you aren't getting into their stuff)! You have sweet little curls these days and I love them! Papa is one of your favorite people and you go nuts when he comes in a room. You are still taking 2 naps a day most days but I am having to wrangle you down for the 2nd nap so 1 nap a day is in your near future! You are a good sleeper :) You are on whole milk now (have been for about a month) and you also traded in your bottles for sippy cups. You are such a joy and we are so lucky to have you :) Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for you!!! We love you Huddy buddy :)

Random cell pics

It's been a little crazy here around the Vaughn house this summer! We have been kinda busy with moving and finding out we are having a new baby, school and dance starting back, Dr. appointments for everyone, and everyday life :)

This was before baby Jack got here for Julie's shower :)

Julie called on July 13th and said "I think I'm in labor" so me and the kids rushed to get Olivia so she could go to the hospital :) We loved having her over and she had a blast with her cousins :)

We've been on playdates galore ...and I can't even remember all the stuff we have been doing!! 

Silly cousins

4 carseats deep...what my car will soon look like!!! I got the kids dressed and ready to go to the hospital to see baby Jack and then I realized Ava had taken it upon herself to distribute powdered doughnuts to everyone ;) So thoughtful of her....then cleaned them all up AGAIN and got them all loaded in the car...and had a flat tire...can't make this junk up HAHA!

Ava's first dentist visit :)

Ava is my little go-getter, she is pretty outgoing and not scared to try new things or meet new people (a little different than her sister in that department... Allie Kate is very talkative and has lots of friends but she isn't one to try new things or want to make new friends). It blows my mind how different they can be...example: going to have their teeth cleaned...Allie Kate had diarrhea 3 times that morning she was so nervous and Ava was so excited she couldn't wait! Allie begged me not to make her go and Ava begged me to hurry up and take her!

When we got there they both did good and had good check ups :)

The dentist told me that Allie kept checking on Ava :) They could not believe how great Ava did and kept bragging on her (I know from being in the dental field kids aren't normally super excited to come in).

Hudson's FIRST birthday party!!

My sweet boy is 1!!! How can it be? We are crazy busy around here and it just seems like time is flying by and I can't believe 1 year has come and gone! We had Hudson's birthday party at our house (the first time we have ever been able to have a bday party at our own home!!!) on Sunday August 23rd at 1pm. We only invited family since it was a home party and we have a LOT of family :) We did a cookie monster party and it turned out super cute and went really well :)

Sweet little man was so happy and excited for all the action that means no pictures!

Ava was all about helping her brother and seeing what all he got...Allie was nowhere to be found HAHA! She had all her little buddies around and they were playing :)

He didn't go too crazy making a mess with his cake (which I am glad because I really didn't think the blue and black icing through very well)...He was clapping and happy while we sang Happy Birthday to him :) Our first home ( our own home) birthday party went great and we loved celebrating our favorite (I can still say this for a few more months;) little boys big day!! Happy Birthday Huddy buddy!!!!