Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So we found out a couple of weeks ago that we were having a baby boy....that was at 15 weeks so it was very early! Well we went today for the 18 weeks ultrasound and turns out we are having a baby GIRL!

I about fell off the table when the ultrasound technician said "Well looks like a girl to me I can't see perfectly but I don't see boy parts" and I still thought well maybe he's not in the right position or something....then she had me roll on my side and got the straight on view and said she was "99.999% sure it was a girl" that they cannot give 100% but pretty much said it was a done deal!
I originally wanted a girl and when we found out we were having a boy I had to get used to the idea and had actually become really excited about the idea of having a little boy...only to have to flip flop back to the mind set of a little girl! Now all this being said we are just happy to be having a baby at all and so happy that SHE is healthy and doing great! It is just a really weird feeling to be told boy and then 3 weeks later (and lots of boy clothes) its a girl! I am so happy and a little scared too that I am going to have sisters...DRAMA :) Now I wonder what will she look like will she have crazy hair like Allie? Will it be dark? Will she even have hair? Will she look like me or just like Heath's little clone (Allie)?? I guess we will find out the end of November :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fishing and a big girl bed :)

We went to visit with my little brother and sister and dad on Saturday and they live on a lake and someone fished for the first time :)

these were taken on my phone :( I didn't have my good camera!

Allie Kate finally got a big girl bed (and by big girl I mean we converted her crib to the toddler bed) we had tried this a few months back and had no luck she crawled out and cried 15 times only to have us put the rail back up at about her Gran and Papa got her a toddler bed a few weeks ago and I thought I would see how that went...and she did great! She has only slept in it about 3 times but she doesn't try to climb out and goes right to sleep! So we went today and got her bedding for her little bed and Heath took the rail off and she was so excited :)

And this is totally random but this is an owl I painted at sips and strokes to go in her room...along with her back pack that she takes to Sunday school :)

She went to sleep great she did yell for me and just wanted me to hold her for a minute and then I laid her back down but I was just glad that she didn't climb out. When Heath first laid her in there we were watching her on the monitor and her sweet little eyes were as big as saucers looking around but then she just rolled over and started talking to her Cinderella doll!
I can't imagine how I can ever love another baby as much as I love this sweet girl but I look forward to falling in love with my sweet boy in a few months :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two and a half year old pics :)

A friend took Allie's 2 and 1/2 pics a few weeks back and I just got them in the mail...SO pretty :)

Lake time!!!

We went to the lake for the first time this summer and had so much fun! Allie Kate loved everything about it and I am so glad because she had the best time!

Last year she didn't like her life jacket and that really limited what we could do (because she has to wear it for anything fun) but this year she didn't mind it at all :)

We rode the boat and some of the other kids were riding the inner tube and I asked her if she would want to and she pregnant mommy and my sweet girl rode the inner tube :) VERY slowly!

The next day she rode it again with Daddy and they actually went at a descent speed instead of creeping along like a grandma!

She loved the water and swimming and jumping off the boat dock into the water to her daddy...I am not much of a swimmer at the lake so I am so glad that Heath likes to get in and play so I don't have to stay in the water much!

Resting on the inner tube after swimming :)

My birfday :)

So it's official I am an old lady now....I turned 26!! Yikes...well at least I still feel young :) We had a good day Allie Kate was SO excited to give me my bday present (a card that she colored ALL over and some shorts and socks from her) she literally gave it to me 4 times throughout the day :) We went to Ross bridge with Nana and Jake to swim and have lunch and then home for a nap and out to eat at Brio's (my favorite). I am not really a birthday kind of girl it actually really embarrasses me and most of the day (besides the good food) I am ready to get it over with...even though I do enjoy the presents :) When I told Allie Kate that my birthday was coming up she said "And we gonna have you a jumpy thing and a slide" haha I love that sweet baby!
This girl LOVES to jump in off the side of the pool!

Going down the slide with Nana

Look how happy she is :)
