Thursday, February 2, 2012

Long time gone!

Well we FINALLY got our laptop fixed and now I can catch up on everything! It seems like SO much has gone on since the last time I posted anything....

I know this is way out of order but this is from when we went to see the reindeer at the Christmas tree farm right before Christmas. We went with a bunch of little kids and Nana and Jake. We had a car full (literally) of little girls that Allie Kate LOVES! They are so sweet with her they all love her to death and are always talking to her and wanting to hold her. They all sang Jesus loves me together and I almost cried it was so sweet :)

In January we kept Jacob because Nana and Grandaddy were going to the National Championship game (ROLL TIDE) and we went to vulcan and out for pizza was pretty fun!!

What my sweet girl does ALL day long :)

Allie Kate wanted to walk down from vulcan which took about 20 minutes :)

We also went to the coolest place EVER! The hands on museum in Tuscaloosa (ok maybe not the coolest place ever but it was SO fun!). Candace and Brynnen came with us and rode in our car and it was so funny seeing them back there together :)

Don't they both just look SO excited to go :)

They had a little area set up like a Japanese house it was really cool!

In the crazy ball room...AK did not really care for this but I LOVED day she will think its fun :)

My ♥

She loved the babies bed in the "Grandmothers attic"

We had Daddy's 30th birthday party!! I can't believe my husband is 30 years old! Yikes...I am married to an old man :)
Playing with sparklers on the back deck on daddy's birthday!

Helping Daddy blow out his candles

*As I write this post my sweet girl has just woken up from her nap and I can hear her in there singing "fire it up, up,up,up,up,up" one of the little cheers she knows haha such a sweetheart!
~Allie Kate is learning her ABC's (she knows until G right now but then yells random letters after that).
~We made her crib into a toddler bed last weekend and she would not stay in it so at 11:30pm we made it a crib again :) We may try again in a few months.
~She went to her first time to "Sunday school" which really seems more like daycare to me since they don't really teach them anything yet...she did fine at first and me and Heath snuck out and then they called us in about 45 min saying she was no longer happy :( So we went and got her and plan to try again this Sunday. I really want her to grow up in church I think that is really important but I have a hard time thinking this is church since they don't teach them anything and it makes it hard to leave her! But I think she does need the time with other kids since she isn't in any type of daycare or mothers day out program.
~She is OBSESSED with chewing gum!! And that is probably an understatement! She will only chew a piece for about 2 seconds and then spits it out and wants another piece :) I actually had to cut some out of her hair the other night (it was thankfully on the very tip of her hair).

~Allie Kate loves to paint (in and out of the bathtub) a lot these days...she JUST now started letting me paint her hands and feet to make prints and she thinks is it so cool now...and she gets VERY dirty :)

And she loves to get in the sink and wash off!

~She goes with me everytime I get my eyebrows done and she LOVES Miss Shae and she also likes to do Mine, Daddy's and her babies eyebrows :)

~Allie is still probably the funniest person I know...she cracks me up ALL the time! She told me just this morning when we were in the shower and I was washing her "You getting all me germs off mommy?" then said "Tank you mommy, you get me germs off me hiney, tank you mommy."

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