Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day and dancing in the rain :)

Happy Mother's day!!! I love being a's the best feeling in the world! I love my girls to the moon and back they are my whole life! So I am thankful that I even get the privilege to be called "Mommy" :) And I do not take it for granted I know that it is not something every woman gets to experience. I had my troubles getting pregnant with Ava Grace and I know how heart breaking it can be wanting so badly to have a baby!
Allie Kate made herslef me this vase with rocks and a picture of herself and a flower pen at school...she LOVED it and immediately told me it was for us to share since we were besties haha! 
I would much rather have something like this that I know she made and is so proud of than just about anything! She did color me a card and her and Heath got me a book and tshirt... (Heath said that they almost got me a plant but decided that I would kill it...very true...good call).

She even got her daddy to show her the letters to write "I love you" :) 

Me and my precious girls :)

Me and baby "Hudson Judson" as Allie calls him :) 23 weeks

After church we went to eat at Stix with both grandmothers...

After Stix we came home for naps and then went over to Nan and Pop's to visit.

Everything is coming to a, dance, first it made me sad but now I'm just ready to have a lazy (haha yeh right!) summer and play with the girls and do fun stuff and not have to worry about a schedule! 

We had our last dance class of the year (we have recital practice and recital this weekend) and I cannot believe that Allie has now completed her 2nd year of dance! That just sounds crazy!

the original 3 :)

After dance on Tuesday we kept Olivia for a few hours while Julie taught a class...she was so good and has so much fun with me and the girls 

Allie has been begging me to wear her cowgirl boots to school and since it's the last few weeks....why not??

After I dropped Allie off I saw her with her class getting paint or something and I LOVE getting to see her with her friends when she doesn't know I'm watching...yes, I'm that mom that would love nothing more than to creep around the school and follow her without her knowing!

When I picked Allie Kate up from school we went to our place (just me her and Ava) and had lunch :) And when we left it was starting to I knew when we got home there was only one cool thing to do....DUH, play in it!

She wanted out there with her sissy!

they were both having the time of their life until it started thundering and ruined all the fun :(

I am really working on not being so anal about some things and so today when Allie Kate asked me if she could paint I made myself say "yes of course" when I really wanted to say "nope, let's wait until it gets warm and I will take it outside and you can paint so you don't get it all over the house"

they're only little once, right?

And Ava discovered her love for Oreos...she woke up in the middle of my healthy snack so I had to share...

one more mom please!!!!! :)

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