Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hudson's 4 month

My sweet Huddy buddy is 4 months!!! (Actually he is 4.5 months but his momma has been a slacker on blogging lately).
You aren't happy about how fast you're growing either obviously :)

Handsome love,
               You are just the sweetest little guy :) Our whole family just adores you! You weigh 13 pounds even, wear a size 1 diaper still, and wear 3-6 mos clothing (6 mos sleepers). We did sleep training with you this past month and you did AWESOME! Better than I could have ever imagined! You never cried longer than 10 minutes and after the 2nd day you were pretty much laying right down....we were amazed! You are a roly poly these days...mostly rolling from your back to your belly (you will roll immediately if laid on your back) but you also roll from your belly to your back. You are just the happiest little guy most of the time :) Always smiling and "talking" :)

             You LOVE me :) You will follow me across the room with your sweet eyes if I'm not holding you and if I am holding you you will stretch your little neck and turn and look at me with those sweet blue eyes...the feeling is mutual I am smitten by you! I have to be careful when I hug you not to squeeze you to death ( I have been known to be a hard hugger ;)

             You had your first Christmas and New Years and survived our wild family holidays :) You LOVE your hands...LOVE them! They are ALWAYS in your mouth and you slobber A LOT! I don't know if you are trying to find some teeth in there but it wouldn't shock me! You are hit or miss when it comes to sleeping through the night...some nights you wake up to eat...some nights you don't. We are kind of all over the place with sleeping right wake up anywhere from 7-8:30 and are up for about 2 hours then have your first nap then up about 2 hours and have your 2nd nap (most of the time your naps are 1.5-2.5 hours) then every afternoon around 5-6 you want to have a short cat nap and sleep about 30 minutes then bedtime 7:30-8pm.
Your sissys needed in on the pictures and you LOVE them :)

We love you little Huddy buddy and love watching you grow :)
Mommy :)

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