Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ava Grace 18 months :)

First of all I cannot believe my baby is 18 months old...I want to just keep you at this precious age forever! You are such a joy :) I have never met a baby so sweet and happy!
You are getting so vocal say: Momma (a lot), Daddy, Allie Kate (you have been saying this for months but refuse to say your own name), dog (you also bark), kitty cat, Nana, Nanny, baby (you love to talk to yourself in the mirror), cop cop (copper, Nana's dog), bird, poo poo, tee tee, oh snap (fergie song haha!), Lilly (Olivia), Ju, moon, cow (you also "moo" and make "sss" for snake and "qqqq" for duck quacking and you make a horse neigh), bite, eye, hair, "beddy (belly), boobies, you shout "Noooooo" really loud and serious at our dog sally :) and you will try to say pretty much anything now :)

You are a momma's girl and want to be held ALL the time right now :) You also love your daddy a whole lot and get really excited to see him when he comes in the door! 

You're still a little squirt...about 21 pounds (we go to the doctor in a couple of weeks). You are into EVERYTHING! You also have a temper if you don't get what you want you let us know about it ;) I don't know where you get that! You LOVE to "dance" right now and we can walk towards momma's bedroom and you start dancing and point to the radio saying "Mumic, dance" :) 

You are a great love veggies and bread. Beans and peas are your favorite and you don't really care for noodles or pasta right now at all. 

I will ask "Where's momma's baby?" and you will pat your little chest with your sweet little fat hand :)

You like to pull up your shirt and show your "Beddy" and "Boobies" haha

You know where your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, feet, hair, belly, boobies, diaper all are.

You adore your sister :) and she secretly loves you too ;) She will ask me if she has to give you a hug and kiss before bedtime and I will say "nope" and she will say "Ok... I will" :)

You are cutting all four molars right now (3 have broken through and one is almost there) but you have still been so sweet and I just love the funny little stage you are in!

You take 1-2 naps a day depending on how tired you are (mostly it's probably one nap a day now). You wake up around 7-8am and nap around 1-2pm and then bedtime is always 7:30pm :) You are a great sleeper for the most part...I will rock you for maybe 1 minute and love on you and then lay you down and you go straight to sleep :)

You have become attached to your blanket (pink and gray) and always want it and your "ba" (passy) but we only let you have "ba" when you're going to sleep or riding in the car.

You love the water...and you scare me to death because you think you can swim! Even when you go under you come up smiling :) You are way more of a dare devil than your sister!

Your favorite book is a farm animal touch and feel book and you "baaa" and "mooo" like crazy at it :)

You love any stuffed animal or doll and will hug and kiss all over it!

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