Sunday, September 14, 2014

Welcome to the world baby Hudson!

My sweet Hudson baby has brought me so much joy already (and lots of great newborn love) and he hasn't even been here a full week yet. I want to remember every detail of this little guys little life so I thought I better get to it on his birth story :)
We dropped the girls off with Heath's parents on our way to the hospital...our last picture as a family of 4 (I will admit I stared at this picture a lot on the way to the hospital and cried like a baby!)

No turning back!

 I had to go in the night before (which I am used to doing. We had to do the same with both the girls.) Me and Heath just relaxed watched a little tv and got good rest before the big day :) The nurse came in and let us both get a shower around 4:45am and we started pitocin around 6:30am. Doctor barron could not break my water because I had a condition where I had too much amniotic fluid and she worried that the baby wasn't wedged down far enough and the cord could prolapse (leading to an emergency c-section). She said we would start on pitocin and keep checking to see if he would drop. Around 11am Dr. Barron came back in to check and the baby was still floating around so she decided she would make a tiny hole in the bag of water and drain it did not work and we ended up with Niagra falls! We continued on pitocin for another hour and a half and I got my epidural (greatest thing ever invented!). 

Dr. Barron came back in and checked me and said I was at 8cm and everything was progressing fast but then made a face and said "uh-o," she then told the nurse to go get the ultrasound machine. She then told me that my baby boy had flipped and was breech. I still didnt fully understand what she was saying...then she said what I have never ever wanted to hear "we're going to have to do a c-section." I literally burst into tears (and cried until they actually started the c-section) yes, I was that crazy pregnant girl that boo-hoo'd for probably 10-15 minutes straight. The doctor told me that we needed to get to the OR quickly and get him out since this was my third she worried that I would progress very quickly and he would try to be born breech. From there it's all kind of a blur...a ton of people in scrubs rushed the room and started prepping me for the c-section that I was still sobbing over. They rolled me into the operating room and it was so orchestrated. I was impressed with how smoothly and quick everything went. I fell asleep and woke up to them telling me to look up that my baby was here. Heath says it probably took 15 minutes from the time the doctor said c-section to when they were showing us our new sweet baby. Hudson Cade Vaughn entered the world at 1:25pm weighing 7lbs 11oz and he was 20.5 inches long. (And for the record his head was not huge like they had told was perfect it was just pointing the wrong way that day!)

 I wish I could say it was magical and beautiful but the truth is I was so out of it that when they showed me my perfect boy I could hardly hold my eyes open long enough to see him. I didn't get to watch him get weighed or cleaned off and suctioned :( they let Heath take Hudson back into the labor and delivery room and I got to stay and hang out in the OR for another 15 minutes or so (just going off heath's word because once again...I was out of it). We did skin to skin and I fed him and they gave me a morphine pain pump (heaven and hell all in one...more on that later) and moved me upstairs to our postpartum room.

couldn't keep my eyes open so Heath told me "close your eyes, you look all goofy" haha!

We let Allie Kate and Ava come in with heath's parents to watch their new brother get his first bath.

getting his hair washed :)

They were SUPER excited about their big sister prizes :) Allie Kate had been counting down the days!

She loves her brother :) She went to school Thursday morning and when she walked in she announced "I'm getting a baby brother today!" and Heath's parents said all the kids in her class clapped and cheered :) Made my day!

 I was laid up in the bed on my morphine pump...which I loved because I was terrified of hurting and the nurses informed me if I pushed the glowing green button every time it glowed (every 6 min) that I wouldn't have bad pain. I HATE pain medicine...I hate the way it makes me feel and itch and my nose and eyes are still raw a week out from rubbing and itching like a crazy person. At midnight they came and took my pain pump and got me up to walk around a little (I'm leaving out all the fun details of almost passing out and lots of nausea meds). Then they came back around 3am and removed the catheter and iv...we didn't sleep much that night. The day after baby Hudson was born I was kinda miserable the whole morning. By that afternoon I was feeling a little better and have been feeling better and better every day since. It's definitely different than a regular vaginal birth but I am just very thankful for my perfect boy :)

On Saturday morning we had a sweet breakfast visitor :) Papa brought Ava grace still in her jammies to come to see us and eat breakfast....

pat pat pat :)

This girl LOVES her "bubba" 

I missed my girls like crazy but we got lots of pictures of them...
Ava enjoying her spaghetti at aunt Ju's house :)

We stayed in the hospital from wed night until Sunday afternoon. Between the c-section and circumcision Hudson slept almost 24/7...I would try and wake him up to eat but he would just fall back asleep most of the time. Baby boy lost almost a pound in the hospital and they were worried he was jaundice so they actually wanted us to stay another night but I had already promised a very excited big sister we would be home :) so we opted for going back Monday morning at 8am to have Hudson's bilirubin levels rechecked.

Waiting on Hudson's hearing test so we could leave the hospital

Poor little guy didn't pass his hearing test in his left ear because he still had fluid in his ear (common in c section babies they tell me).

We feel like the luckiest mommy and daddy in the world to get our perfect handsome baby boy and couldn't wait to get him home :) and his sisters were waiting impatiently too! 

When we got home the girls were so excited and helped us show their new brother around the house and took turns holding him and giving him kisses :)

these girls were wearing him out!

They had to get in his bed with him...which turned into a big fight because Ava was trying to lay on top of Hudson and hug him and Allie was trying to keep her off of him!

We were glad to be home and have our new family of 5 all together :)

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