Sunday, April 3, 2011

17 mos old and our week :)

My doll is 17 mos and a few days old!! Time flies!! She is just the sweetest little angel!

Allie Kate,
The best 17 mos of my life have been with you!! I love you more than I ever thought I could, you are the center of my world and the little love of my life :)

You running down the hill in our front yard! It was really cold this past week and you hadn't been outside in a few days so you were very happy!!
You are talking up a storm! you will say anything, maybe not perfect, but at least you try! You love animals...from a distance :) Just this morning we went over to one of mommy's friends house (Leah) and she has a yorkie and a kitty cat and you LOVED watching them, but would not touch them! Even the tiny yorkie was scarey to you :) I hate to say but your favorite food is french fries (just like me) and I try not to give them to you all the time but anytime I get them you HAVE to have them :) You would much rather have someone elses drink than your own. You like big cups with straws and you make the funniest sound when you want some (almost sounds like a growl). You are a great baby, you hardly ever cry or throw fits but you let mommy know when you don't like something :)

You LOVE hangers especially when they have clothes on them!

The other day you were sitting on the bed with me taking the top off of a water bottle and putting it back on (one of your favorite things to do right now) and daddy came in a hugged you and "got in your way" and you pointed your sweet little finger at him and said "no,no,no daddy!" and then followed that with a "shh shh." You make us laugh all the time and I just love watching you!

It was sprinkling outside so you had to wear your little rain jacket :)

Everywhere we go people stop and talk to you and play with you and they always comment on how sweet, smart and pretty you are! And I must agree :)

You love the computer :) This is you typing away on Aunt Ju's computer!

You still dont play with your toys very much you would rather get into everything else...which is fine by me! I try not to let it get to me. You still love to dance and I am actually thinking about taking you to a little dance class for a week this summer (just to see if you like it). You would rather be outside than anywhere and lately it has been raining or cold so that has been really hard trying to explain that we can't go out :( All I hear is "out-tide, out-tide" and "shoes" and after I say we can't you will say "peeeease" and I hate that I can't take you!

You have wonderful manners so say "peease" on your very own and also try to say thank you (you kind of hum that one).
You are still very little! Only about 20-21 pounds...still in size 12 mos but soon to be 18 mos (I hope because that is the size of all your summer clothes). You still wear a size 4 shoes. We are not sure about naps yet...sometimes you take 1 nap a day and sometimes 2, it really just depends on the time you wake up and how you feel that day! You dont eat any baby food at all anymore (you haven't in a while). You have recently started eating turkey sandwiches and I love to hear you say "mamach."  You have 8 teeth and you do not like to let me brush them, but I still do :) I think you are working on a few more teeth in there!
Some exciting things coming up for you:
*We are having pictures made of you tomorrow with a real bunny!

*Your Aunt Ju just got engaged last weekend and you are going to be the most beautiful flower girl the world has ever seen this August :) (Maybe...haha if you will actually walk down the aisle).
*Easter!! And all things that come with it...getting to meet the Easter bunny, church, hunting eggs, easter basket!!!
*We are going to the beach in June!!!Whooo hooo!!

Also you are going to get your very own potty soon (prob around 18 mos). You have been showing interest in the big potty and have even cried to sit on it a few times so you will be getting one soon :)
I am very proud to call you my daughter and I love you with everything in me!! You are just perfect to me :)

We have been busy always :)
I had a friend paint a cross on an old window I had gotten a while back and it turned out really pretty

Thankfully this weekend it has warmed up and been absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside so Allie was able to run free outside all day on Saturday...she was worn out by the end of the day!

We had Allie Kate's Easter pic taken Saturday morning with a REAL bunny (which she called "puppy" the entire time). She did so good!! I know we got some good ones! My secret to keeping her still was to not put shoes on her (she hates anything on her feet and does not like to walk around with no shoes). Also my friend that took the pictures brought her 4 yr old little girl who is just hilarious so her and Allie had a good time together! Here are a few sneak peeks I got of the photo session.... Of course I will put more when I get them back :)

Today we went over to Nan and Pop's house to see Pop's sister and baby Brynnen was there so me and her mommy, Candace, decided it would be a perfect day to take some "cousin" pictures :) I think she got better ones than I did...or atleast I hope she did!

Last year I put Allie Kate in her bumbo and sat her in front of these flowers and so I decided to do the same this year when they bloomed (and every year that we live in this house I am going to do the same) and it made me sad to see how much she has grown, but I am so appreciative of what an angel baby I have! I mean she is just a doll!!

                                         *It's crazy how much she has grown in just one year!!

Swinging upside down at Nana's house this afternoon :)

We had a good week/weekend :)

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