Saturday, December 7, 2013

My little one year old

Sweet Ava grace,
      You can't be one already!!! Say it ain't so :( I can't even let my mind wrap around that or I may (ok who am I kidding) WILL burst into tears! You are the sweetest baby! You are so loving and sweet spirited :) your big beautiful eyes are so bright and full of life and I want to remember every detail of your perfect little face and features because sadly I know they'll change all too soon. You make me smile at least a million times a day and I am so thankful for you my sweet girl! 

Some random things:
*at 12 months old still no walking, you will hold on and walk but will not dare let go
* you just learned to clap a few days ago during the iron bowl because mommy kept clapping and cheering for our team (even though I have pleaded with you during pat-a-cake to please clap) and you still aren't a pro at it ;) 
* size 3 diaper and size 2-3 shoe (still in a  2 but they seem to be getting snug) 
* you say dog, bite, dink, mama (both your favorite and mine), dada, no no (accommodated with head shaking and finger pointing), bye bye, hi, ball, you said "juju" once when ain't ju kept saying it to you and the other day in sissy's bedroom we were looking at her nativity scene and you would point and I would tell you what things were and you said "Jesus" twice...and not one person has believed me when I told them that! Not even Allie Kate and she was sitting right there when you said it! Haha
*you still get bottles LOVE them and cry for milk at bedtime and some nap times too...and if i offer a sippy cup it just makes you crazy take 7 ounces!
* great eater! You chow down! I can't feed you fast are chewing and fussing for more quicker than I can give it to you! You eat pretty much beans (you love), ham, pancakes, peas, granola bars, oatmeal, ponytail holders...haha pretty much anything you can get your pudgy fingers on :)
* you are on whole milk...that started when we went to Disney world
* 2 naps a day...each about 1-1.5 hours) bedtime lay down by yourself big girl ( I give you a bottle before of course sometimes...ok most times, I just don't like going on record saying I still give you a bottle after you are one...I feel like your pediatrician is going to jump through the screen and scold me or call dhr or something). You wake up around 7-8am for the day ( and you wake up anywhere from 5-6:30am for a bottle and go back to sleep).
* you think your sister is awesome (and she is :) she can look at you and you giggle like a goofball :)
* you have 4 teeth and you like to grind them and I can NOT STAND IT! I about lose my mind!

I don't know your stats for sure yet but I weighed you today and you weighed 18.6 pounds :) and I can't even imagine trying to measure you at home...we will leave that up to the doctors :) (I just guessed according to your sisters stats at your age in your bday sign)

I love you my little sweet cheeks :) 

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