Saturday, December 7, 2013

My sweet 4 year old

Oh Allie,
    What to say about you...I wish I could just take a picture of how my mind sees you :) you are so very special to me and I want to describe it somehow but I just can't! You are so sweet, smart, fun, sassy, wild, funny, have so much personality in that little body and I just adore you! You are at such a cool age right understand me/I understand you, we can joke and laugh and play, you believe in miracles and have so much passion for everything...nothing is impossible to you, you are becoming a little girl and it breaks my heart and makes me happy at the same time! Sometimes I do feel like you get fussed at a lot about little stuff and we do have some minding issues and listening issues right now (just like every other 4 year old alive) but I want you to know your mommy loves you with every fiber of her being...I honestly do! And sometimes I feel guilty because I do have to take care of your sister too and I don't want you to feel less important because that is not the case and hopefully I am doing a descent job of proving that? I love you doll baby and I can't/ nor would I ever want to imagine my life without you in it! You are my "shunshine" forever :) I love when you point to me and mouth the words "you're my best friend, I'm your best friend" over and over! I hope we are best friends forever!

I love listening to you pray every night before bed and I never know what on earth you will pray for :) Tonight you prayed: "Dear Lord, I pray you'll watch over me, and mommy, and daddy, and pink blankie, and Ava Grace. Help us to love each other. Thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for watering the flowers. Help us to find our elf in the morning and help us to find her easily. Thank you for making the earth. Thank you for taking us to Heaven and thank you for letting us die. In your name of pray (which she repeats several times throughout her prayers) AMEN."
You want both Mommy and Daddy putting you to bed every night and we still sing "Jesus loves me" "Jesus loves the little children" and "You are my shunshine" most nights (in that specific order).We each have to pray (also in order...Allie, Daddy, then Mommy).

A little Q and A :) Favorites according to Allie Kate :)

1. Favorite color?  Baby pink
2. Favorite toy?  Pink Blankie
3. Favorite fruit? Watermelon
4. Favorite t.v. show? Sophia the first and Henry Hugglemonster
5. Favorite food? Pankcakes
6. Favorite outfit? Jasmine costume
7. Favorite game? Candyland
8. Favorite snack? Saltine crackers
9. Favorite animal? Elephant
10. Favorite song? Jesus loves me and you are my "shunshine"
11. Favorite book? Llama Llama home with mama
12. Favorite sports? I don't like sports I like to dance :)
13. Favorite drink? Chocolate milk
14. Favorite holiday? Halloween
15. Favorite meal if you could have anything? French fries, chicke-nuggs, and sweet tea (she is so my kid!)
16. What do you want to be when you grow up? a clogger
17. If you could change your name what would it be? "diamondy"

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