Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hudson 18 mos

My handsome Huddy buddy is 18 months old now :) I can't believe my baby boy is a year and a half old...just doesn't seem right! This boy is my heart :)

My handsome little love,

            You are just the sweetest thing....most of the time! You definitely want what you want when you want it ;) You are such a blessing and bring so much joy to our family! Your sisters adore you...when you aren't pulling their hair or swatting at them! You can definitely hold your own ;) You are starting to talk a lot more and I am so thankful for that. You try to repeat words but you say: mommy, Daddy, Pappy (passy...your favorite thing ever), Papa, Baby (Mason), A-eee (Allie), Sissy (Ava), dog, cat, bird, Hey, Jack (your cousin), dink (drink), bite, no, popple (one of your sisters stuffed animals haha!), car, truck, milk, boat, bath, trash (you LOVE helping your Daddy take the trash and will run to the garbage can and grab the bag)...and a few more things :) You are an AWFUL eater these days, me and your Dad fight over who has to feed you (or I should say attempt to feed you). You throw your food and holler and bang your fork on the table and then melt down when it gets taken's a lot of fun for everyone! Your favorite food is probably snack food...grapes, cereal in a baggy, granola bars. You LOVE Allie Kate and she loves you! She says you are her baby and she tries to carry you everywhere :) You love outside and I have to watch you very closely because you will wonder off by yourself you aren't scared at all! You love animals. Papa is probably your favorite person right now...either Papa or mommeeee (as you like to call me). You have recently taken a liking to your Daddy, and boy is he glad because for a while there you would barely even go to him haha! You are still a little squirt, weighing in at 21 lbs and 4 oz (5th % for weight and 50% for height). You are mostly in 18 mos clothing (12-18 months jeans and pants). You have the sweetest smile and prettiest little teeth and I am hoping you will stop grinding those pretty teeth because you have already chipped them :(  You are a great sleeper and take one long nap a day (1.5-3.5 hour nap) and go to bed between 7:30-8pm and wake up around 8:30-9am :) We recently found out after our Disney trip that you cannot drink milk, well you can but it makes you throw up... A LOT! It only took us a year and 3 months to figure out why you were throwing up so many times a day! So now you drink Silk almond milk vanilla and you love it! You have crazy hair! You have had 4 haircuts so far and it always makes me a nervous wreck because you move your head and try to swat at the scissors! You are my little love bug and I love you more than I could ever say sweet boy! I am so thankful you are showing me the world through boy eyes :) Happy 18 mos!!


We are still waiting on your lower canines to come in :) you have all your 1st molars and upper canines.

I love this precious face so much it hurts!!!

Sweet boy at his 18 month check up

Waiting for doctor Bill :)

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