Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Getting ready for AK's bday!!

This was written a few days before AK's 2nd bday and our internet went out so I couldn't post it!
My sweet baby girl is turning 2!!!
I cannot believe my beautiful Allie Kate will be 2 years old in just a few days! It blows my mind and makes me kind of sad too….
Allie Kate,
You are the sweetest little angel in the world! I love you more than I have ever loved anything and I can’t believe that I have gotten to be your mommy for 2 years already! It’s true…time does fly when you are having fun! Two years ago the Lord blessed me with the most precious gift I could ever receive! I knew when you were born I would never be the same person, I love being your mommy and we have so much fun together! You are VERY smart and so sweet too! You know all your colors (have for a long time) you can count to 8 but very rarely do it (only when you think we are not paying attention) and the rest of the time you just pick random numbers to repeat J You are a little squirt, everywhere we go people comment on how tiny and pretty you are. We have not been in for your 2 yr check up but the last time I weighed you on the scale at home you were 23.5 pounds. You wear 18 months in most everything and even some of that is big on you (leggings and other tight things). Your favorite things to do are: Play “change is” where you have money and we turn your chair over in your room and buy things from each other and you will say “ummm, yes change is two dodders,” ride your bike (which means that I ride on a different bike along with you J ! You actually asked me in the sweetest voice earlier “Wanna wide your bike mommy?” and of course I said yes!, You love to go to “chic eba” and eat and “play play in play place.” You love shaved ice and I have to tell you everyday now that it is closed because it is cold and you will say “Get shabed ice later,” and I am sad too because that was our hangout place! You love going to play at the park, eating anything sweet, your 3 favorite babies: old sasha, new sasha, emma (the one you sleep with), and susie (who recently had her toenails and fingernails painted the same color as yours, you love your pink blankie and LOVE LOVE LOVE your passy (you have about 15 of them haha). You dance all the time and I love it! You look a lot like your daddy, but pretty much everyone agrees that you have my personality (which I think is hilarious!) you are goofy, sweet, and so much fun but you also have a little bit of a temper like me and are not very patient (just like me!). You have brought so much happiness to so many people, especially me and daddy and we are so thankful for you! I can honestly say there is not a moment of the day that I am not very thankful for you! You are becoming more of a daddy’s girl and I am a little sad but you still love your mommy too. You take one nap a day around 12-1pm and it lasts about 2-3 hrs! Earlier today you wanted to lay in the bed with mommy (another one of your favorite things to do right now) and I kept telling you to lay down and go to sleep and quit talking and in a minute I heard you whisper “mommy’s nuts” and couldn’t help but laugh, you also rubbed on my face for a long time before having to go to your own bed to take a nap J
Your birthday party is going to be at Gran and Papa’s house this year and I have been very excited planning it wanting everything to be perfect (even though I know you won’t remember!) I want it to be fun for you!

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