Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Beach trip!!!

We just got back from our last beach vacation as a little family of 3 :) that makes me both sad and happy!!

My sweet girl had a rough start to her vacation, she was so excited to be at the beach and play in the water and the sand and once we got there and she didn't sleep (not even a wink) on the way down to the beach I laid down with her for a nap once we got down there. When she woke up she was burning up with a fever, so I gave her tylenol and it calmed down enough for us to take her over to the beach and just let her see the water and play for a little bit...

Letting the waves make "soup" around her feet :)


But then around bedtime her fever spiked back up to about 104.4 and after a 2pm trip to walmart (by heath to get a thermometer and Popsicles), a 4pm phone call to our pediatrician, 2 baths, some throw up, lots of fever medicine, 3 hours of sleep all night and a very pitiful little girl we made a trip to the ER on Sunday morning at about 9am.

waiting in the ER 

In her little hospital gown

Of course by the time we got there she had taken so many meds and I gave her a cool bath right before we went and she wasn't even running a fever...they had her potty in a bowl, took a chest xray and listened to her and looked in her throat and ears and wanted to take blood but me and Heath decided not to let them poke around in her poor little arms! So home we went and her fever shot up again and went up and down for the next few days :( Poor girl

We did still have fun though even though we couldn't hit the beach...we went to the gulfarium and hit up the Disney store (I am going to have one happy girl around Christmas time :)

 Wednesday we decided to take her to a pediatrician in Destin after she was still running 104.3 after so many days and he figured out that she had pharyngitis (after a strep test was negative) and pretty much just to keep doing what we were doing!

So Wednesday around lunch after he Dr. visit she FINALLY felt good enough to go out to the beach and play in the sand!

Mommy and Allie walking on the beach :)

Best friends :)

30 weeks!!

She just started wearing sunglasses and LOVES them...last summer she would not keep them on and this summer she won't take them off :)

Sandy handed monster!!

By Wednesday afternoon she was back to crazy little Allie Kate and her fever never came back!! She had so much fun at the beach! She loved the water and it was perfect for her there were barely any waves and the water was very shallow and we couldn't have asked for better weather or water!!

Me, Papa, and Allie were out in the water and I saw something swimming towards us (not directly but just in our direction) and it hit was a shark! It was only about 3-3 1/2 feet long but never less it was a shark and it wasn't very far away at all...I always thought I would shout and scream and freak out if I ever saw one but I literally just froze and stared and watched him swim right by us (I knew we were ok...we were literally only shin deep in the water and Allie was in an inner tube with a bottom on it) but Heath came yelling "Get out of the water" like it was jaws or something :)

Allie Kate rode her first Go kart with her daddy at "the track"...she is pretty brave to be so small!
Waiting to ride to go karts!!!

We had a fun family vacation with Heath's side of the family and love that we get to go with both of our families and enjoy time together :)

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