Thursday, March 3, 2011

16 months old :)

Allie Kate,
You turned 16 months old a few days are getting to be such a big girl. You are tiny for your age, you only weigh 20 pounds and everyone always says how little you are. You are in the 10th percentile on weight and 60th on height! You have 8 little teeth (you just got a new one last week). You are so much fun right now! You don't really like to play with many toys right now (too bad because you have about a million), you would rather go through drawers or cabinets and drag everything out! You are mommy and daddy's whole world! We are just smitten by you!

Your favorite foods are: grapes, bananas, peanut butter and crackers, animal crackers, grilled cheese, toast, pancakes, popsicles, chicken noodle o's, chicken fingers, FRENCH FRIES (those are probably your very favorite, just like mommy). You aren't too picky of an eater!

You love to play outside and go to the park! You run around looking at all the other kids and jabbering! We had a park day today! 

You talk all the time and you will say pretty much anything and everything! I love that you are talking melts mommy's heart when you look at me with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen and say "mommy." I still can't believe you are mine :)

You are a good sleeper (most of the time). You are still taking 2 naps a day as of right now. Mommy will rock you for a minute and sing to you one of the following: "I love you Lord", "Jesus loves the little children", "Jesus loves me", and sometimes I make up songs about how great you are and how much I love you (I know sounds corny but totally true:). You sleep with a few blankets, but your favorite is furry and soft on one side and silk on the other and it is pink and says "thank heaven for little girls" really small on the side. You call it your "baby" and I think I am partially to blame for that since I sometimes call it your "blankidy" which turned into "babidy" then to just "baby."  We have so many crazy nicknames for you: sugary (it used to be sugary pie:), lovey, brute, brutis (I have no clue where I came up with that), friggery, doll doll, angel baby, and probably my favorite is my doll baby (My grandmother used to call me this and I never got it until I had Allie Kate and now I see just how special it is...she is just as pretty as a doll and she will always be my little baby).

You think you are such a big girl these days!

A day in your little life:
Wake up around 7-8am
breakfast around 8am (currently your best meal of the day)
play until naptime which is about 10am
up about 12pm and we have lunch
after lunch we normally go out side or if it is cold we get a bath!
2nd nap is about 3 or 4pm and you normally sleep about 2 hrs
Dinner is about 6-6:30pm and you get another bath afterwards
bedtime 7:30-8pm

You have just gotten into the "Uh-O" stage, where you will throw  or drop something on purpose and say "Uh-O." Mommy takes you everywhere with me! Daddy even messes around and says you are my little mini-me :) I just LOVE taking you with me and everywhere I go people ALWAYS stop me and tell me how beautiful you are! All the time! One time a lady told me that she thought you were the most beautiful little baby she had ever seen and I said "I know" without even thinking about it...maybe I should work on being more modest :) You are in a size 12 mos still on most things, leggings and jammies you wear 18-24 mos even thought you are a little squirt. You have a tiny little foot, you just started wearing a size 4 in the past few weeks. Your feet were in a size 2 forever it seemed like! Everyine says you look just like your daddy but act like your mommy..loud and crazy!! You love any type of animal especially dogs, cats, and birds. I am trying to teach you manners...and you don't say thank you but you hum it with the same pitch as I say it. You also say "eeee" for please, and it makes me happy that you are so sweet! You can say "yes" and "no" but you always choose to say no :) You will look at me and say "shew,shew" and I will say "Did you poo poo?" and you'll shake your head and say "no" and I will get you and change you and say "yes you did" and you'll say "yes." We get you to say random things all the time, you can say anything-it may not come out perfect but you try! You also get hot and cold mixed up...but you are very very smart and I know you wil get the hang of it in no time. You can say "Love you" but if I say "I...Love..." you will shout out "NANA!!!" at the top of your lungs ha! You LOVE to drink out of a straw! You would much rather have mommy's drink than yours and you get so mad if I don't give it to you! You have a little chair in your room and you always want to climb in it and jump off the front, it makes us very nervous.

Whenever you are in the tub now I turn you on your back and you love to float! Of course I hold you so you won't go under :) You will , however, put your face in the water and come up smiling from ear to ear like you have just made a huge accomplishment!  I can't wait until we get to take swimming lessons in a month or two :) After you were done with your bath you climbed out and fell flat on your face and scared mommy and daddy to death!

I can't believe that you are already 16 months old...I find myself trying to remember every single detail of our moments together because I don't want them to pass me by! You are my doll baby and that will never change!
Our happy little family :)

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