Monday, May 13, 2013

3 1/2 years old

I can't believe my sweet girl is 3 and a half, time seems to be flying by!

My sugar bug,
You are the light of my world! You are so precious to me and i would be lost without you! The truth is I miss you like crazy when we aren't together (which is not often) and even when pitching a fit or hollering "no" or "I don't like you" at me (which I am so happy to say that those moments are decreasing by the day) you mean the world to me :) you truly are my best friend and we constantly tell each other "you're my best your best friend" you even do this thing where you move you lips and point at each if us when you say "I'm your best friend, you're my best friend" and then just burst out laughing :)

You are so silly and you really are the life of the party anywhere you go! You are so outgoing these days which I love and it makes me nervous at the same time! 

You still take a 2-3 hour nap most days...some times you skip (and love when that happens). You go to bed anywhere between 8-10pm, you are HARD to wrangle down these days :)

You are very smart and people are blown away when they talk to you because you are just very very smart (and it's not just because you're my kid)!

You just started watching tv a few weeks ago and you still don't watch it all the time. Your favorite show is Sophia the first and you LOVE it and will watch it over and over if I let you! 

You are still kinda mean to your sister but you secretly love her when no one is looking! You will talk to her in a baby voice calling her "ababa" and put her passy in and tell her "shhh it's ok sissys here" :) anytime people see us out you tell them "I'm the big sister and my baby sisters name us Ava grace" :) Also if Ava isn't with us you always ask where she is! You also say that one day she will be your best friend and you will teach her told me tonight "when Ava gets a big girl I'll hold her hand in dance class so she won't be scared"

You love dance and you are so dang prissy it kills me :) I love watching you dance! You love people watching you and you smile the sweetest smile ice ever seen and squeal like you're having the time of your life! 

You are still a "momma's girl" which I love :) you love your daddy too but we are besties! 

You weigh about 33 pounds...still a squirt but growing and catching up! You wear 3 t in most stuff, the waist may be big but you need it for your long legs! 

You are still a picky eater but done of your favorite foods are: sautéed mushrooms, ramen noodles (you wake up asking for them for breakfast, any type of rice, mashed potatoes, hot dog weenies, "doodles", cake pops, anything sweet or chocolate.

You are the funniest person I know...seriously I laugh all day with you! 
You make the goofiest faces when I get out my camera or phone to take your picture!

I don't want you to grow up it makes me so sad to think about it! I wish I could freeze time and keep you innocent and pure and it breaks my heart that the days fly by and you are growing up before my eyes!

You love Jesus and that makes me happy and so proud! You talk about Jesus like an old friend! You ask me all the time what he's absolutely love singing songs about Him and will ask me while I'm singing "are you singing to The Lord?" We sing all the time together and it makes my heart so happy :)

You are my jewel and I am SO proud if you! Yes, you get in trouble and yes, sometimes I want to scream when you won't listen or mind but you have a sweet beautiful heart and I'm so glad you're mine! 

You start school this fall (3k) and you are very excited, I hope you love it as much as you think you will! I get sad just thinking about it so hopefully I'm not a blubbering mess your first day (at least not in front of you ;)

You sing ALL the time :) you make up goofy little songs and sing to Jesus often and you also catch me off guard with the occasional pop song :)

Your true loves are your pink blanket and shoes, I counted the other day and you had worn and changed (and left every last one in the living room floor) a total of 9 pairs of shoes in a span of 2 hours! You were playing outside and came in every few minutes to change shoes :) your favorite shoes are high heels (you have like 5 pair of high heels and they are your prized possessions)! Nana thinks this is hilarious because when I was a little girl she says I was the same way! She says people would come over and take their shoes off at the door and when they'd go to leave she would have to come ask me where I had put them all :) totally sounds like something you would do!

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