Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mason 4 months

My chunky monkey is 4 months old!! He is the happiest, sweetest, squishiest, little love muffin I know :) Handsome debil (as me and Ava like to call him) is rolling now from back to stomach! And he is OBSESSED with eating his hands! We have been having problems with reflux (same as Hudson..throwing up all day every day) and he was put on Zantac (we quit after a week since it wasn't working) and a special very expensive new formula called Nutrimagin. (we stopped breast feeding at 3 months) and just the past week we have been adding rice cereal to his bottles and it has helped the reflux tremendously! The doctor also put him on nexium and it didn't seem to help either so we will just stick with cereal in his bottle and hopefully he will outgrow it soon! Poor boy is losing all his hair! We moved him up to his room for the first time and were preparing to do sleep training but I don't think we will have to do the traditional "cry it out" because he is already soothing himself to sleep...I'll say it again, this baby is golden! He laughs and smiles and "talks" constantly and I love how loud and happy he is! 
Baby boy is BIG! He is in 9-12 mos clothing and we even put a pair of Hudson's jammies on him at the beach and they weren't much too big on him (18 mos). He is in a size 3 diaper for now but will soon be moving up to a 4.
He had his first vacation :-) we went to the beach! He enjoyed napping under the umbrella and sleeping in the room with all of his siblings like a champ! And family bath time wasn't bad either!
Sweet rolls had sand all in them!

Mason had his 4 month check up...
Big boy weighed in at 17lbs 4oz :-)
Sweet Mason is in 90% on weight and height (and his head).
He really is the sweetest little guy and I love when I get to spend time focusing all of my attention on him (even if it is in a waiting room at a doctors office).

We played and he "talked" and laughed at me for a while and then he passed out and poor little guy stayed asleep through half of his exam!
He had to get 4 shots and an oral vaccine and he barely even cried...seriously he is the BEST baby! 
So thankful for this perfect, handsome, fluffy, smiling, little nugget of love! 

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