Sunday, September 29, 2013

Beach trip...entirely too many pictures!

We had a fabulous time at the beach this was SO much better than last time (just because of the age difference for Ava) :) She was (and still is) sick the entire time we were there and she hit the beach like a pro :) both girls were wonderful! Allie Kate had the time of her life playing in the sand and the water! She told me this morning as we were waking up to come home "I had the best time in vacation with you momma" :) It's the little things that make my heart so happy!

We left around 9 headed down to the beach so we could get down there and watch the Bama vs Texas a&m game (during football season our schedule revolves around Alabama's schedule...sad but true) and we made it just in time for the game. After the game we took Allie over to see the beach since she was chomping at the bit to go :) 

little stinks riding in the boat :)

The first couple of nights down there were Rough (with a capital "r") because Ava was sick and couldn't breath and was literally up every hour :( Thank God for really I'm thanking Him for that wonderful bean he created! 

The first day on the beach was the best the water was amazing! No seaweed, very calm waves, the sand bar was about an inch or two was perfect for kids and even babies :) 

Allie Kate met a friend and I thought she might come home with us! I kept asking her where her mommy and Daddy were because she had been playing with us for a long time and she said she didn't know...they were a little bit down the beach and she finally saw them :)

playing on the sandbar :)

We stayed on the beach every day, of course with little trips to the pool :) I would lay Ava down for her nap in her pack and play and Heath would take Allie  down to the beach and I would put sunscreen on and fix lunch and get Ava ready and walk over to the beach and meet up...good little system we had going :)

Okay, so every time we go in target Allie Kate finds this bathing suit and BEGS me for it...well we went to target to get baby food while we were down there and I let her BEG her Daddy and it took a little persuasion (she even dis-invited him to her birthday party) but she walked away with her beloved bathing suit...and one for her sister too! haha!

snack by the pool :)

working hard on her sandcastle :)

this girl loves her Papa!

We went to Panama City one night to eat at Angelo's (yes, we drove an hour with two kids to eat a steak at the beach...not my idea :)  And afterwards planned on taking Allie to the rides at pier park but by the time we got there they were closing :(  so we got ice cream instead!

She thought this was the funniest thing! She said "look mommy it has a hangy hiney" I about DIED! 

These dolls were SO good at dinner!

The next night we went to the track so Allie could ride some rides since it almost broke her heart the night before and she had a great time! She said the go-carts were her favorite :)

Ava rode the swings too (actually before Allie) but we left the camera in the car and by the time Heath got back with it she had bumped her mouth on the swing and wanted out :(

Our last day at the beach we went shopping...after being on the beach every day we were a little beached out! I know hard to believe but me and Heath were kinda burnt and both girls were worn out and Ava still sick so we thought "lets go out in the scorching sun and walk around, that'll be fun" haha!

OBSESSED with this angel and those sweet teeth :)

Allie played on the playground and in the fountains and we went in a few stores and got ice cream so it worked out :)

We took our annual family beach pics :)

A certain sweet baby has discovered table food...and boy does she love it! We went to Krispy cream and I gave her a few bites of a doughnut and she was in heaven...and it all went down hill from there! After that she thought she only needed real food and was entitled to anything mommy was eating! We had a really hard time getting her to eat her baby food...she gagged and cried when I forced her to :( she is eating her baby food again now, she's still not crazy about it, and I am still giving her some table food too just after she eats her baby food! 

We had LOTS of good food :)
We went to "the back porch" and it was SO good! My favorite meal of the trip!

And Allie Kate thought it was so cool that we could go play on the beach at night after we ate :)

Heath had the best time messing her hair up the whole time we were there...he is so anti brush and anti bows, I don't know how we are married :)

We went to Dewey Destin's, a favorite of ours!

I love these girls more than anything :)

Can't wait to go back :)

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