Monday, September 2, 2013

9 mos old :)

My little love bucket is 9 months old!!! This past month has been a big month for her! She got her first tooth (she now has 2 since turning 9 mos old) she learned to crawl, she is waving bye bye and saying "bye bye" and "mama" and I think she actually knows I'm her momma now :) she is also pulling up to her knees and has pulled up to her feet once or twice! We had to lower her crib mattress because she pulled up on the rail and was trying to get her monitor (we also had to move her monitor so she can't reach it)! Sleep this month has been off...she realized when I lay her down she doesn't just have to lay there...she can move! Haha! She sits up (which she also learned how to do this month! Going from laying down on her back she rolls to her stomach and pushes into sitting up now!) she hollers and plays and laughs and has a good old time in her bed...until its not fun anymore and she doesn't know what to do with herself! So I have been going in and laying her back down MULTIPLE times :) I'm trying not to get her and rock her to sleep because this is the point I started doing that with Allie and it became habit to her and we had to "rock rock" for like 30 minutes at bedtime!
When I first sat her down to take her picture...I think she thought I was making her go to sleep :( Bless it!

She is still eating food and frozen milk (about 5 oz 4 times a day...sometimes more). She loves puffs and yogurt melts and can grab them like a pro now :) we discovered a food she does not like...applesauce! What the heck? It's homemade and has cinnamon in it and it is delicious...but apparently not to her :(
Her teeth :) Look at those beauties!

We haven't been yet for 9 mos check up so I'm not sure on weight and height but I'm guessing about 18 pounds?

Since Allie Kate started school a couple of weeks ago I have been getting to spend a little more one on one time with my chunky monkey!
her new trick!

Ava's hair is growing right now, it hangs over her little ears on the sides now and it's also getting really thick! She is also still my little Mexican love...tan as can be!

She is such a happy girl and she squeals and talks all the time and I love it! If Allie Kate squeals she joins in :) Cutest and sweetest 9 month old baby around!

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