Friday, September 13, 2013

Ya'll gonna make me lose my head...up in here, up in here

Ok so there is no rhyme or reason to the title of this post...I just have that song stuck in my head :) BUT it kind of applies to my week I guess...we had school, dance, first week of bible study, church/ children's choir, both girls sick and had to go to the doctor, Matilda Jane party order in, making things for Allie's birthday, and packing for the beach (along with all the other everyday chores) so it has been pretty hectic!

We had a wedding shower to go to Sunday and it was fun for just me and Allie Kate to get to go :)
She thought it was cool too that only girls could go

Sweet girl is still not super excited about going to school...she loves it after I leave her but she still isn't very happy about me leaving her there and makes me promise like 15 times that I won't go home and I will sit in car line and wait on her....if you are reading this Allie, Mommy lied :(

She had school picture day at school and I was so excited for her "first school pictures" and when I picked her up she told me that she almost cried and I had a note from her teacher telling me "she did not enjoy pictures" much for that :) I also got a note from her teacher telling me that she was "following others that would get her into trouble" and I about had a heart attack! I know she is not supposed to be perfect (and trust me she is not) but it bothers me so bad to think she isn't minding (she followed another kid to a different playground away from her teacher and wasn't listening another time in class). I don't think it helped that she was sick (supposedly from her flu mist).

Yay! Dance!

this little cuties Halloween costume came in and I can not even describe the cuteness going on :)
Ava LOVES animals....LOVES them! She chases my moms dog all over the house (notice it hiding under the table from her) and her sweet sissy is loving her :)

Sleep is becoming crazy for Ava Grace...she is at a hard age to just lay down and go to sleep because she gets up and moves all over the place and then cries like she doesn't know to just lay down and go to sleep so we are having to cry it out (kind of) all over again now. I was trying to rock her to sleep and when I would put her down she would pop right up, so the past couple of days have been sad :( Today for her nap she cried about 10 minutes and then went to sleep like this...I don't think she knows to just lay down!

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