Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We started dance back today and Allie Kate could not have been more excited! She kept asking me when she was going to get to go back and dance with her friends :) It also helped soften the blow when dropping her off at school that she was going to dance when I picked her up!
You can tell by her face that she wasn't all that excited about school :) But she did pretty good this morning, she didn't cry just a little clingy when I tried to leave.

When I picked her up from school we went to a dance store and I let her pick out a new tutu and we had to get new ballet shoes since her feet have grown out of her other ones.

Allie in her new tutu that she told everyone there about...she was so proud of it :)

They love "Mrs. Bebalee" (I don't know why she says it like that she can enunciate words very well) 

Just looking at this picture makes me miss our old class :( Our class is a lot bigger this year and it is going to take some getting used to! I am not a person of change and I loved just our three sweet girls and calm conversations between the moms and now its kinda wild since there are 7 or 8 girls.

I thought about cropping the picture so you couldn't see Allie Kate is only wearing one ballet shoe and retouching all the bruises and skeeter bites on their sweet legs but this is what makes it so special to remember the details...because while pictures may look perfect reality is I was holding a baby and a diaper bag and my camera and freaking out on my child because she had taken her shoes off for the 3rd time and I didn't want to have to put all the stuff and baby down to put it back on :) All while practically yelling at them to look at me and smile :)

Doll babies :)

Addie really has this silly face down pat :)

My little monkey

two monkeys :)

Allie Kate told me when we left that they did new dances today because last year she was "like a baby" and they did "baby stuff" but they are big now ;)

And just because I like to compare I found a few old pics of exactly a year ago (9/5/2012) of a few cuties in one of their first dance classes
this was during her "shut up" phase and I'm pretty sure as sweet as she looks she told me to shut up about 5 times...wow how glad I am that we don't say that anymore!

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