Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy valentines day!

Allie was pretty excited about Valentines day this year so I decided we should make daddy a craft that we could keep forever and show her one day :)

We made these little crafts with their foot prints (Allie LOVED getting messy in the paint, Ava not so much it made her mad to get her feet painted!)...the poem says:
This isn't just a butterfly as you can plainly see, I made it with my feet, which is a part of me. It comes with lots of love especially to say, I love you and happy Valentines day!

Daddy left us out our flowers and presents to find that morning and Allie was so excited she got flowers this year :)

On Valentines morning we had to go get an EEG at Children's Hospital just to make sure everything was okay since Allie Kate had that seizure a couple of weeks ago....
I took Allie and Papa surprised us and met us over there! I think he was worried about her!

this is Allie Kate learning about what was about to happen

She thought this part was so funny because the lady put "Hair gel" in her hair and stuck funny cords off her head :)

This was when she was happy (she obviously had not been laying there too long)

She thought this light was taking pictures of her and she literally smiled the entire time it was on her, which was about 4 minutes! I couldn't help but laugh since she was sitting there smiling and making silly faces at the "camera" :)

She was really good for the part of the test where she had to interact with technician but then the lady said that she needed to go to sleep and turned all the lights off and told her she couldn't talk of move for an hour and if she did mommy would have to leave...well long story short I had to leave and she was pitiful :( I could hear her down the hallway saying "I want my mommy, I will be a good girl" and I had already told the nurse that there was NO way she would go to sleep there she doesn't even sleep in the car on the way to the beach! But who am I to know my own child, right?

Happy to have a sucker in her hand and be headed home with all her "hair gel" in her hair!

After that wonderful part of our day I decided that we should have a Valentines dinner :) Allie is ALL about stuff like when she woke up I told her we had to get dressed for our special dinner and she was so excited :)

I even had to make her a special hair-do, her favorite the "funny bun"  (which means like princess Belle's hair)

I can do pretty good belle hair!

Sister love :)

 It is very hard to get them both to look at me at the same time and smile! Maybe impossible :)

Ava in her Valentines day jammies :)

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