Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter bunny and earrings :)

Friday nights Allie Kate knows that she can sleep in our bed since Daddy doesn't have to work the next day and we don't have church the next day. So we were 4 deep in our queen size bed by about 1am when Ava Grace joined the party :) It started storming and our power went out around 4am and both girls were WIDE awake! We tried to get them both to sleep but I guess they thought it was time to party! Allie Kate was so hyper and driving us nuts! She was singing "I don't wanna go to bed so early, I don't wanna go to bed right now...oh gosh oh geez can I watch tv?" from her dance class and when Heath went to the bathroom she could hear him using the potty and said "Listen to the rain mommy" and she told Heath "Pay attention to your child" when Ava was crying and said "Ava's telling you to go get on the couch daddy" when she was fussing :) She is such a funny little girl!

Morning glory :) We finally got the girls back to sleep at 6am! 

As soon as we woke up we had to start getting ready to take the girls to see the Easter bunny!

Allie Kate had told me while we were getting ready that she was going to get her ears pierced (She has faked me out several times even once getting me in the chair filling out the information form only to chicken out) and I just went along with it not really thinking for a minute she might actually do it.....well she did! She kept asking as soon as we got to the mall when we could go get her ears pierced so after we saw the Easter bunny we headed to claires :)

Heath was watching her face the whole time the lady was piercing her ears and he said she didn't even act like they had done anything...she didn't even blink! Tough girl like her momma...I pierced my 2nd hole myself in my bathroom when I was 14 only to have my mom make me take them out a few days later (what a waste!)

VERY excited about her new earrings :)

This sweet girl was absolutely WONDERFUL the entire trip to the mall! She was so happy and hollering out talking to everyone :) I just LOVE her more and more everyday!

We came home and dropped Ava and Daddy off and I didn't even get Allie out of the car we headed straight to our buddy Addy's birthday party!

Allie Kate literally told every single person there about her new earrings :) She was so proud!

Three dancing amigos :)

Fun times :) We had to go to Walmart to pick up a present for another birthday party we have to go to tomorrow and Allie had a break down she was EXHAUSTED! My girl is definitely not ready to give up her naps yet :) But then again I wanted to lay down in the floor and cry too since we were up at 4am and had a long day :) I guess she gets a pass today :)

1 comment:

  1. I was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. Started reading about the great story about your ODD getting her ears pierced for Easter. Your story reminded of a funny experience of mine when we pierced our ODD's ears at 3 yrs.

    After piercing our ODD's ears, we came home and he loved them. What happened next surprised me. Dh asked why we hadn't had our 3 mo dd's ears pierced too! I didn't know what to say, but then our 4 yr said chimed in that she wanted her baby sister to have matching earrings like hers. My family was ganging up on me! Admittedly, I hadn't even thought of doing it, but the manager at Piercing Pagoda said they were having a 50% off sale on a second pair of earrings if you purchased a pair of piercing earrings. Now everyone wanted my baby girl to have her ears pierced! What could I do?

    Well, I asked our ped and she encouraged me to do her saying it was better when mommy cares for them. Guess what...both of my girls got their ears pierced ears. Our baby is adorable too and barely whimpered. There was no problem caring for them.

    I admit seeing babies and little girls with cute earrings, and never thought I would be one of those moms having their baby ears pierced, but secretly loving how cute babies looked with little pierced ears. I never broached the subject thinking dh would never agree to having our baby girl's ears pierced. However, I was
    super surprised when my ODD brought up the subject.

    Don't know if you considered having your baby girl's ears pierced too. However, if it crossed your mind, then I'd say it may be your mommy intuition telling you to let it happen.

