Friday, March 22, 2013

Outings and randomness

I have been having a hard time finding the time and energy to keep my blog updated :( I feel like I constantly have two little chiclets attached to me and when they are sleeping I am cleaning or cooking or doing laundry and when I finally do sit down for the night I don't feel like blogging away...I need to do a better job!
My sweet morning buddies :)

My sweet girl with cake pop ALL over her face

We had Papa and Pop's birthday dinner last Sunday and Allie Kate was showing off her dance moves and decided it was a must for the entire family to do the train :) And no she is not wearing any pants! She decided a couple of weeks ago she no longer likes pants!

I decided to be brave and take both the girls to Chuck E Cheese on Monday...alone! 

This sweet girl slept part of the time so I just toted her around while Allie Kate played all the games

She LOVES chuck E cheese

So after we left Chuck E Cheese still in one piece I figured while we were out that way we would run by Buy Buy baby and a little boutique and try to find Allie some summer shoes and some hairbows :) 

Allie has found a new love :) I can threaten to spank or threaten time out but things get serious when I threaten to take her high heels about a broken heart!

Nap time

Tuesday we just hung out around our house and played
Her Chuck E tat was still in place :)

Aunt Ju came to see us!

When I was a little girl my Rue would make fried chicken and biscuits and what we called "greasy taters" and she just whipped it right up...Me and Heath always talk about once we came in from a concert at like 12 at night when we were dating and we were sitting around the table with her and Heath mentioned he was hungry and she immediately went to the fridge and made us fried chicken and biscuits 12am!!! I miss her so much :( 
Me and Allie decided we would make homemade biscuits, fried chicken, and mashed potatoes for dinner (she LOVES helping me make biscuits....and tried to eat all the dough!)

Tuesday night Ava had a rough night and woke up several (and I do mean SEVERAL) times screaming like I have never heard her...a painful scream! It worried me that since she had been outside a few times in the wind that she could have a ear infection so I took her to the Dr. just to make sure and she was just fine...must have been her little belly!

We DO look alike!

Today was a Mommy/Allie day :) Gran kept Ava Grace so me and my sweet big girl could have some time to play since she has been having a hard time sharing me lately!

We started off by going to get Allie Kate's hair trimmed a little...which she was NOT happy about! And I kept trying to explain to her that I love her long hair but it is starting to tangle a lot and its all the way down to her little booty and I just wanted it a little shorter!


After! I think she probably cut like 2 inches off...Allie Kate told the girl "Just cut it really short and turn it blonde" boy am I going to have my hands full with this little goof :)

Then we headed out to the Mcwane center since it was a cold and rainy day!

Seeing the sharks

We were a little obsessed with this....

And I was about to beat a few kids (and parents) down for messing with our designs!

We have always skipped the imax theater when we go but today we had free tickets from where we renewed our membership so I figured why not? It actually went really well she sat still and watched the whole thing (which was about butterfly migration...really boring and educational BOOO!) I heard her tell the lady on the other side of her "I'm moving, are you moving?" because at some points it makes you feel like your are moving :)

LOVE my baby!

"Allie-isms" lately:
*Allie has decided to name her baby girl in her belly "Bell-up" she said "Kinda like micheal but bell-up"
*She came running in the living room saying "I unplugged my radio and I didn't even catch on fire"
*She insisted on ordering in the drive thru at Chic Fila hollering "I want a Samich with mayonnaise and
*She loves singing "You are my shun shine"
*If you tell her she can't have something or do something she will say "Why can I can't?"
*She told me that she wants a brother next and when her daddy got home she told him "When Ava grace
  goes to heaven w Jesus we can get a brother"
*Everynight when we pray she prays for her attitude
*In the shower she asked me if I had milk in my booty too or was that just tee tee and poo poo trapped
*Asked me while eating her chic fila "samich" if Jesus used to eat these samiches all the time too
*She does not like the color blue (because it's a boys color) and only like lime green no other color green
*She calls me and Heath "baby and babe" when she is being nice :)
*She loves to sing Taylor swift...she is actually pretty obsessed with her she knows 4 or 5 of her songs and
  brushes her hair in her face like bangs and says "hey look I'm Taylor Swiff"
*She sings "this girl is on fiya" ALL the time and will ask me and Heath if we are on "fiya" and says "well I'm
  on fiya"

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