Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8...

Today I am thankful for being born in the USA and into the situation I was born don't get me wrong I had just as messed up of a childhood as it gets but I am so thankful that I had food and school and a home and when you look around the world that is not the case for a lot of kids. I am so thankful that I didn't have to grow up in a country where disease and famine are the norm and kids don't get a chance at school and are married off at a young age! It really happens and as much as I would like to pretend that world doesn't exist it certainly does! And also I'm glad I was born into a country where you can serve God without being persecuted...I can't really grasp that concept that some people have never even heard of Jesus and what he did! I am thankful for the opportunity to know and would love to get to go on mission trips once my babies are older! So thank you lord for letting me be born into a free country and even with the craziness going on with the re election of Obama I am still thankful to be an American!

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