Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our Wednesday!

Today has been a little harder than normal...Allie is getting her top molars in (half of one is through) and she has been a little more spunky than normal and let's face it I'm 9 months pregnant and not very patient and calm at the moment :) we started off the morning with spilled cereal all over my just cleaned floors! As I was under Allie's little wooden table trying to clean up the mess and literally rolling around like a crazy woman and had to hold back the tears! But good news is...I got over it haha life went on and I can almost guarantee that it WILL happen again!
My sweet girl watching princess Sophia and she had to have her crown :)

Allie has been into everything today and I have almost lost it about 20 times...I can't pick  up her mess without hearing her tearing into something else in the other room (not to mention it is pretty hard to bend over at this point)! She has also been very moody and whiny and asking for Ava grace's passy a lot today and just breaks down when I tell her she can't have it :(

We went to get a pedicure today and she was fantastic she sat right next to me and watched and ate her Oreos like a big girl :) while we were sitting waiting for my toenails to dry there was an old lady sitting next to her and Allie Kate asked her "why do you have so many wrinkles on your face"...that moment when you want to crawl under the chair and hide! We had to go into a boutique and get a lime green hair bow and there was a little black girl in the back of the store and Allie was playing so good with her and I heard her ask in the sweetest little voice "What color are you? Are you tan or brown?" bless her heart when she asks me what color her skin is I tell her tan so she thinks she is tan...I love how sweet and innocent she is! At nap time she came out of her room about 5 times and she has started getting up in the middle of the night coming in my room asking to get in my bed (even though 9 times out of 10 I send her back to sleep in her bed since I'm huge and take up a lot of room) bless her bones I wonder if she is just teething or if she is sensing things are about to change? 
She got a ring at the boutique today and she is on cloud 9 with this thing :)

I have been having a very hard time about going to the hospital and where Allie Kate will stay and how she is going to feel and how I am going to feel without her (because even though I have been complaining I feel so lost when my little doll isn't with me)...I have cried a lot about it :( I just hate to think that my time just me and my girl is about to change! And I know it will be fantastic and I am going to be obsessed with Ava Grace just like I am Allie but I just cant imagine it all right now!

So on the way home today Allie Kate asked me for a "wepwipe" and I just handed it to her and when I went to get her out this is what I found :) And this is AFTER she supposedly cleaned her face :) Well she loves her oreos like her momma!!

So enough crazy pregnant hormone I am thankful for Mallory who came to my house and cleaned it wonderfully :) I hate deep cleaning (and all other forms right now) and she does so good and it is nice that I will have a clean house to come home to once sweet Ava is born!!!

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